TTC first time having trouble :/


Mar 10, 2012
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hi everyone, im jessica and iam currently 21, my partner and i have been together for 4 years and have been trying a little over a year, and havnt had any luck yet.

its very depressing when each month along comes my period, my partner and i both despretly want children, i know im still young and i have a while before i should be concerned that i cant concieve, but its hard not too worry when we are practically in perfect health......

its just hard when all your friends and the people around you are getting pregnant, i live in australia and every second teenager is getting pregnant in my community, that dont really take care of the children they have and its sad because thats all i want to be a mum.... and the girls that have their children get pregnant off of a fluke and dont take care of their kids that go out drinking and partying.......

my partners family thinks we are too young, i know were young but this is what we want and were alot more mature for most people our ages especially these days.

and what friends dont have children and cant talk, dont want kids and think i shouldnt be doing it, so besides my partner i dont really have alot of people to talk to about the emotions and heartache i go through each month my period comes :/ so if anyone on here has sort of the same story or wants a new friend to talk about this stuff with please get ahold of me :)
hey hun why dont you come to TTC and start a journal its a great way of keeping track and lots of useful info there too xx
heyy thanks i did write one, and its great to hear about other woman going through the same thing, just a quick question how do you get the cute little baby things at the bottom of your comment i know how to make them but not how to get them on my page or anything lol
Go to user cp top left of forum, then edit signature and copy and paste the code from whatever website ya use into there x

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:wave: Welcome and good luck, you'll get lots of advice from the lovely ladies in TTC.xx
Hi Jessica, first of all you're not too young at all, sounds like you can offer a loving stable family home and that's far more important than your age so if you both feel ready then go for it. Have you had a scan to check your ovaries? you can go to a private health clinic and they will do a transvaginal scan to see if your ovaries are ok and then they can go on to do further tests - it's just I didn't ovulate for a long time - and I worried for ages that we would never conceive, but there are experts out there who help people like us all the time so make some phone calls to local clinics and start investigating, if anything to cross any problems off the list and you'll start to feel better and be on the road to having a littleun.
Good luck with it all xxxx

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