TTC baby number 1


Aug 29, 2006
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I am new to this website,

Just looking for some people in a similar situation as myself to share info with.

I am 30 and TTC baby no. 1. Not sure if I am back into regular cycles yet as stopped pill 6 weeks ago, had Withdrawal AF, then "normal" AF This is 1st month of TTC.

AF is due on Thursday !!! so will wait and see what that brings!!

Hello and welcome,

You sound like you are in a v similar situation to me!

I am 27 and TTC no 1.
I came off pill around 9-10 weeks ago, had w/d bleed then normal AF just over 3 weeks ago. This is our 1st month TTC so i also do not know if i am in a regular cycle yet.

Everyone is very friendly so ask any questions you like

Also good luck TTC!!

Nikki xx
Hi Ann :wave:

I'm quite similar to you, I'm 29 TTC #1.

I came off the pill over a year ago (after 7 years) and had 2 miscarriages so we're still TTC.

I hope you get your BFP really quickly :pray: You never know AF may be staying away for 9 months (fingers crossed).

Hi Ann,

I'm 31 and TTC for our first too ... I was on the pill for 13 years, and came off it in Feb this year ..... been TTC ever since. I got regular cycles back almost straight away.....

Good luck!! And welcome to the forum! Baby dust coming your way!
hi and welcome hope you get your bfp soon xxxxxxx
Hi Ann, welcome! :wave:

I am similar to you- I am 30 and ttc #1.

I was on the pill for 13 years and came off in July. I had the normal post pill AF and have been charting0 I recently ovulated so the cycle will probably be about 7-8w long before AF comes again

Good Luck!!
Fingers crossed for you!!!!!
Keep us all updated!! R u charting your temps yet?
Hi all thanks very much for wecoming me to this site you are all very friendly, I will let you all know how I get on !! Hopefully I will get my BFP !!!
Ann ... looks like you're testing tomorrow?! Ooooooo good luck!! Baby dust to you!! :pray:
I'm 32 and came off the pill in Jan and even with PCOS i still managed to get pregnant on my second cycle (ended in an ectopic pregnancy though).

TTC again now though and in our 2nd month.

There seems to be a few of us around the same age trying for our first. Feel free to contact me if anyone wants.

Good Luck.
hiya, i am 28 and ttc 1st, mc start of august and have already pee'd on a stick this week!! lol, this place does that to you , be warned. i am now a fully fledged, pee-stick-aholic..
seriously, this forum is great, the people are lovely and theres always someone around to cheer you up and ask questions.
welcome and enjoy and baby dust coming your way...when are you going to test??
Just to let you all know that my AF came on Thursday!!! At least I now know my cycle is every 28 dates and this has been my second AF since coming off the pill!! I can now find out exactly when I am ovulating and start charting !!

Anyway loads of baby dust to you all !!

Sorry AF came Ann ... but excellent news that you've got your regular cycles straight back ... come and join us charting nuts! hehe!!

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