TTC after Miscarriage - stressing out!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hi, I'm back in this section again - with fingers crossed! I had a miscarriage in May at 11 weeks with my first pregnancy. Don't know if we have dealt with it all yet - keeps hitting us at strange times. Anyway, one thing we decided was that we really wanted to have another go as soon as I was given the all clear. I had a scan 2 weeks ago and everything was ok and we have ddt (trying not to get preggers!). I got my AF right on track this weekend and have been freaking out ever since! I am really scared that if we try again then I won't be able to get pregnant again or if i do then I won't be able to sustain it again. We got pregnant really quick last time - 2 months after coming off pill - and i am worried that it will take ages to happen again and I really don't think i can wait. Am going mad i think - was reorganising rooms last night till 9.30 and spent the whole weekend clearing out the garage (which i would never normally think was a good idea). In my head I have a huge need to have everything ready in the house, even though we haven't been able to start TTC again till after this AF is over. Has anyone else had this experience. I am desperate to get another BFP but am absolutely scared stupid at the same time - does that make sense?
hi beanster, i am so sorry for ur loss. i hd an ectopic on 30 march, got tube removed, i was desperate to try again and fell pg in may and unfortuntely am having mc just now. and i am planning to try again this month because i spoke to the mw who said that it is just luck if the pregnancy cntinues, theres nothin u can do so pls dont worry about trying again because i am sure everythin will be ok. she also said some people who fall pg quickly after coming off pill have a mc but the next one is usually fine, its something to do with the lining of the womb needing time to thicken i think. i hope this helps, pls dont be disheartened cos i am having a mc, its one of those things and i know things will be good next time round. good luck xxx
hi bean, i haven't gone through the awful experience of a MC but wanted to wish you luck and I am sorry for your loss :hug: xx
Hi Kazimotto. Really sorry to hear about your experiences and sorry for your loss you are going through. It's a really strange mix of devestation about what is happening and wanting it to be over so you can be positive again isn't it. I was releived I think when my MC was confirmed cos it meant that things could be dealt with if that makes sense.
I sort of feel like my mind and body weren't ready to be pregnant after getting pregnant so soon after making the decision to try and coming off the pill, It all felt a bit sureal at the time. Think that's why I'm feeling a bit frantic now and want to get everything house wise sorted before it happens!
thanks. yeah its alot to take emotionally. i was the same as u, kept saying to my dh that if i know its def an mc then i would be ok, its the limbo bit i cant handle. u do need time to get head round it, and thankfully i wasnt as far on as u were so i was lucky. just try to get ur house stuff done, then decide. i think u will prob decide to try agian like i did, and the good thing is u know u can fall pg quickly, and everything should be good this time round. keep a positive mind, and remember it'll happen when the time is right. i know people say that all the time and its no consolation but its true. xxx

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