trying to walk


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Aimee has been trying to walk now for about 2 months. She can stand herself up in the middle of the room just using her legs, take a few steps, even loose her balance and start walking again and thats about it. She doesn't seem to progress past that. Shes been doing it for ages now and i think she should well be walking by now but the most shes done is about 8 steps. Any ideas how to get her walking propaly cos she is definatly ready and canwalk she just doesn't want to.
wave a mobile fone or something infront of her face lol then move it as she hopefully walks. worked for Braydon :lol: :lol:
i stood Dior up with her back to the sofa then held out a white chocolate buttomn she soon walked lol

she was Aimee's age too
We put the remote control on our head to make Isaac walk to us. That way we have both hands free to catch him when he falls :lol:
loli love your suggestions, we used to sit at each end of the room and let her walk between us
My mate told me a trick that worked well for Kaiden, if you get a hoola hoop and get ur baby to hold on to one side and u hold on to the other side and lead them along, gives them summit to hold onto and they feel happy to walk about xkelx

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