Trying not to get exited!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2008
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AF is due tomorrow and normally before im due i get some mild pains so i know shes on her way.

But i have had nothing. No cramps or anything. Ive had a bit of pain in my nipples but its not very noticable. I never get sore nips when AF is due. Does it sound promising???? :pray:

So im hoping that AF will stay away. Will you please :pray: for me girls.

Sending baby dust to you all.

Jade xx
Good luck Jade, when are you going to POAS?

I really dont know when i should.

I think im going to wait untill saturday which will make me on cycle day 23, but because my cycles are really short anyway will the line even come up if i am pregnant.

Im getting all exited and i know i shouldnt. :cry: I bet she will show up a day or two late. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Bet there's a chance you could get a BFP now (I'm a bad influence I know :oops: !) do you have any internet cheapies?
Nope i dont. I swore i would never by them because i would be testing all the time if i did. I dont have any tests in the house at all. My OH has ordered me to wait a bit longer because he doesnt want me getting upset if its a BFN and then having to wait for the witch to arrive.

Plus i kinda like the thought that i might be pregnant. Does that make sense?

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Yes that totally makes sense, enjoy the guessing for a few days then fingers crossed for your BFP!
Good luck hun, hope you get your BFP

Even though you have short cycles it should still show up, the second phase for most women is around 14 days, it's usually the first half of the cycle that changes so you'll have as many days after ovulation as most other women

:hug: :hug:
oooooooo im excited for ya!!!

ive got everything crossed for ya hunni ya will have to keep us posted!!

there def sumit in the water at the min like a cause we have lots of people thinking they are and lots of BFP :lol:

everything crossed for ya

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey :wave:

Still no sign of AF but my right nipple is mega sore, the other one is not so bad. It hurts really bad and its itchy. Is it possible for them to get sore this early?

Im trying not to get my hopes up to much because ive been having little twinges, like period pains but very mild and only last for a min or so. I always get period pains before she arrives so i am :pray: that she will stay away.

Its so hard not knowing though :wall: :wall:
The last post you just wrote, its EXACTLY how I feel, felt like I just wrote it.
I'm not betting on a BFP as if been getting -v tests but I really hope its a BFP for us both hun!!
Good luck with testing, after this month, thats me stopping ttc for a while

:pray: :pray: for u gals! my AF is due the 29th...I hope we all get our BFP's this week!!!!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

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