Trying for baby but its so hard!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Me and my husband have been trying for our first baby for the past 15months but with no luck….last month I made myself believe that I was pregnant because I wanted it so much – how silly is that! every month that goes by its more and more difficult and puts me under more pressure and strain aswell. I can honestly say I never thought it would be so hard to fall pregnant!

I went to see the doctor to get ourselves checked out and this is in progress – I had a blood test a few days ago and waiting results of this and my husband has to provide a sperm specimen, for which he has an appointment for this week. Hopefully this will determine if there are any health issues : (

I haven’t done much research and never used the ovulation kits or taken any vitamin tablets etc but I’m thinking of using these – are they a good help?

Please share your views and advise me on anything that can help me.

Thanks – Jaz
Hi Jaz,

Welcome to PF. Sorry to hear ttc is being so difficult for you. There are lots of people on here who can share your frustration! In the LTTC section here are wonderful ladies who know lots about the various tests that get done. Fx all yours come back ok.

Are you having a regular cycle? It is always worth a go with some cheap opks you can get on the internet - it helps you pinpoint what is happening. Lots of ladies ov late or early and in some cases i've read on here helped enormously to know this.

I am a real vitamin junkie now, each cycle i try something new to keep myself from going mad. This month taking a gen multivit, oil eve primrose and baby aspirin. There are various things out there though and it does depend of what problems you experience with your cycle as to what's best. I am also dosing DH like mad too last 2 cycles - he doesn't like it!
Hi, I was trying for months and months aswell. The way I did it was to use home ovulation kits aswell as counting my ovulation days and making sure we had sex on those days. Then held my legs up after. Also did it at night time so I could sleep with a pillow under my hips and keep it in and working all night. I also cut out all caffine alcohol cigerttes and bad foods. Started drinking whole milk and eating healthily. I also took folic acid, multi vitamins and omega 3 everyday to make sure my body was healthy. Also take some time out just for you to relax. Concieving is very hard when your stressed. This worked for me so I hope it can work for you aswell good luck xx
Thanks Minx & Fliss for your comments....really appreciate your feedback and good luck to you aswell.

My cycle is usually about 33-35days and pretty regular but last month was really bad, I came on after 7weeks (i actually thought i was pregnant).

I am definatley going to get some ovulation kits and some vitamins - i read through some of the threads here and vitamin b6 seems to be very popular so will give that a go and folic acid tablets aswell......i can only try and pray that it happens.

I signe d up for this forum for support and help as i cant speak to friends and family about this as they dont seem to understand my frustrations! x x
Welcolme to PF - this is a great place to be with all the help and support you could ever need.

Sorry to hear you've been trying so long, i have only been trying for a few months but seems like and age and the longer i am trying the harder it all seems. My OH is finding it difficult as he thinks all the love and off the cuff sex (sorry tmi) has gone and i am only interested at the perfect window.

I make sure that i use OPK so i know when i will be OV as i cant bear the thought that i might get it wrong or worse miss it!

I really hope you get you BFP soon!

I can share your frustration, my OH and i have been trying for a simialr time with no luck. We got ourselves checked out after 6 months as i was having irregular periods and my doctor was happy to test me. I was diagnosed with PCOS and my husband with a low count so not goog on both accounts. I'm about to start clomid. They doc should do some tests on you after trying for over a year and give you some advice. Good luck:)
KMG I really hope you get your BFP soon aswell :)

Its nice to have contact with people who are going through the same thing - makes me feel alot better!

Joyous - I have only had a blood test and waiting for the results now.....apart from this what other test do they need to do? :S xx
got my blood test results and my hormone levels etc came back normal - but need to get another one for full blood count as they mis labled previous one...arghhh....hate needles :(

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