Trying again after miscarriage...


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
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Hi ladies, sorry to be depressing but yesterday I found out I had miscarried at 11 and a half weeks. The nurse didn't even sugar coat it, she just said there is no pregnancy there! But I had been bleeding for 4 days before and had 2 internal exams in that time which said everything was how it should be. I had the worst pains over the 4 days and whilst waiting for my scan I nearly passed out and threw up from the pain. The codeine I took had no effect whatsoever. I think I passed what would have been our baby then, as the pains then eased off quite significantly.

Anyway.... Me and my husband are absolutely devastated but even though it was a surprise baby, we really want to have one. How long do you think we should wait before trying again....?

Thanks ladies your always so helpful
I'm really sorry for you loss, it doesn't sound like the nurse was very sympathetic :( I had a mmc in may and we started trying again in june after 1 full cycle. I had positive hcg tests for 3 weeks after the mmc and then AF came the week after, so we couldn't have tried that month even if we wanted to as had no idea if/when i ovulated. It was suggested to us to leave 1 full cycle but I know some people just try again straightaway after, I think you need to decide how you feel really and see how your body settles down too.

Lots of love and luck for the future xxx
I started trying as soon as the pregnancy tests came back negative. It's all down to personal preference - so sorry for your loss xx
I started straight away I've read it only takes your body a couple of hours to a couple of days to recover from a mc! So I don't see why we would have to wait.. Goodluck xx
I concieved exactly 14 days after my mc started! The only anoying thing is being pregnant for an extra long time compared to others.... I miscarried at 8w+5 and it has felt like I am now doing a pregnancy thats 48w+5 rather than 40W if you get what I mean.

good luck. xx

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