Trouble sleeping!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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Is anyone struggling to sleep through the night????

I am only 6 weeks pregnant but for the past two weeks I am really struggling to sleep through the night, I keep tossing and turning and have to get up for a wee!!!!

I never had probs sleeping and definately haven't had to get up for a wee!! Am worrying that if Im like this so early on what am I going to be like when the baby grows big and is really pressing on my bladder. Ahhhhhhhh!!!

I have the same problem and end up clock watching. I am being really naughty though by holding on for a wee and just dozing back off and need to have a stern word with myself
I slept really well in early pregnancy-I was soooo tired all the time! Now I'm really starting to struggle to sleep through the night! x I get really tired by about 10pm and then I'll wake up at like 3 and be wide awake! x
I've had trouble sleeping over the last couple weeks even before I knew about being pregnant. Last couple nights I've started getting up for a pee in the wee hours - never did that before.

Its my body getting me used to the sleepless nights that are coming, I reckon.
I was fine the first 11 weeks and since then I keep waking up early hours and can't drop back off! Getting up for a wee is the main problem, as soon as I get up for the toilet I'm doomed! My brain just can't switch back off and I'm constantly thinking about the baby lol
Wowee Im totally the opposite, VERY suprised I havent passed out yet for the night already LOL, been going to bed about 10pm everynight and can easily sleep 12 hours straight which i did last night and only got up coz i had to! Glad with all the morning sickness this is one symptom i havent got phew! xxx

my preganacy has been up and down... for the first couple of weeks i could not sleep and became a night walker --then it calmed down--- and now on week 13 im having trouble again!!
i go to bed quite early for me (before 12) but then im up and down all night... it sucks
then i wake up at 9ish with stinging eyes and hangover symptoms sigh...
Yep - I've been waking up all through the night for the last week or so. I've had a cold for the last 3 days which really isn't helping either.

Sometimes I need a wee and sometimes I'm just awake. I'm also waking up really early and can't get back to sleep and then have stinging eyes all day.
i was the same i used to worry if i was crushing the baby,and rolling over onto my belly, silly i know! now i sleep well but wake up really early every morning. but i'm used to it now.
I'm struggling to sleep as well, waking up loads and when I am asleep I am having really weird and vivid dreams. What I would give for more than a few hours in a row!
I am so glad I am not alone! I thought it was me going crazy!!! We'll get through it together girls, black baggy eyes but happy to be pregnant!

I should be thankful that I don't have any really bad pregnancy symptoms yet! Haven't had the dreaded morning sickness yet!!!!

I manage to get to sleep but then around 2am I wake for a good 2 hours and think that I will never get back to sleep but then the next thing I know its morning time xx
Ive had no problem sleeping the past few weeks cept for getting up to go to the loo but settle back to sleep really easy but the past 2 nights ive woken up and its taken about an hour to drop back off!! Not good!!!

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