Trips to the Loo in the night!!

First time mum

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Hi Girls

Just want to know if anyone else has this.

Last night I did my world record of 5 trips to the loo during the night!!!!!!!
Even when I work up in the morning my bladder was very full again! - is this normal do you think?
I try not to drink anything before going to bed but it still doesnt seem to make any difference!.
I average about 3 or 4 times during the night usually.

Can anyone tell me if this stops after 12 weeks?
I try not to drink for a while before I go to bed and 99% of the time Ive managed to sleep all night and then have a very full bladder when I wake up.
As for it stopping after 12 weeks, I think it becomes more frequent in the latter stages due to the size of the baby and the pressure they put on the bladder.
i am currently up to about 3 times in the night, then up at 4/5 to go again. and i think this is something that just continues throughout as baby gets bigger and puts more pressure on everything.
Hi First Time Mum,

I can definately relate to you - it's driving me mad!! My most has been 4 times but it's usually 2 or 3 times, in fact one night I woke up in the morning realising I had only gone once in the night and had to tell everyone the next day - it's amazing what you suddenly share with people! :shock:

Throughout the day I'm going about once every two hours, it's like I'm REALLY desperate only to have a little trickle when I get there!!!! :lol:

This has increased over the last couple of weeks and I've been told it only gets worse and you have to plan trips out around where the toilets will be!!!!!! :?

Anyhoo, congratulations on your first and hope all goes well for you,
Lollypop x
I definitely identify with you!!! Last night it felt like it was on the hour every hour!!! Find I'm waking up starving though, any ideas on really filling easy to eat food anyone?
Sorry - Im 16 weeks tomorrow and still have the same problem, apparently I have another couple of weeks of it before my uterus moves up, and stops the constant peeing!!!

Saying that the most I have ever gone is 4 times, and now its normally just twice so getting better! Ill let you know when it stops completely!!!
Sounds perfectly normal to me. Its because everything is expanding and putting pressure on your bladder.

It may ease for a while but tbh as baby gets bigger the pressure can get a lot worse. I used to wee about 7 times a night in first tri, second tri was about 5 times and third tri was a disaster and I'd need the loo up to ten times a night as LO went head down from 28 weeks and stayed there. Enormous pressure on my bladder as he got bigger.
Yeah I'm afraid it doesn't always get better. I remember going every 2 hours with Mel from about the end of the second tri onwards. This probably won't help you now BUT in a way it's natures gentle conditioning for the first 6 weeks of life with a newborn as your sleep doesn't really get more disturbed than that :rotfl: Seriously though I felt that I at least had a more gentle run-in than my OH who had slept soundly for 9 months then- bang! Ok you're usually so tired you could sleep on a spike but I could always get back to sleep quicker than him which was a good thing.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:D It gets worse haha! I can go to bed and half hour later need a wee....get up and its hardly worth going for....half hour on again I need to go and its like a flood when I go haha! Makes no sense lol!

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