Triple Test Query


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Hi Ladies,

I have a query regarding the triple test/16 week bloods.......

I had bloods done at booking in appointment at 7.5 weeks preggo for rubella vaccine, blood type and reuses thingy.....this and the Nucal scan at 13 weeks put me at a risk of 1:2444 for downs which is quite low for a 28 yr old F.

Had a MW appointment the other day and was told I don't have any more bloods done until 34 weeks?? I'm just confused as most of you seem to be getting your triple test at 16 weeks??

Has anyone else been told they wont be having this?

How are they going to test my bubbie for Spina Bifida then? I thought they had to do the 16 week bloods to test for any abnormalities as the baby will secrete hormones that show up in my blood at 16 weeks.

Does that mean I could find out something is terribly worng at 34 weeks? I'm a bit freaked about this now, any advice would help! I always thought there were 3 sets of bloods taken during a routine pregnancy....

Ta muchly!

Cli xxx
where i am we have two lots,one at or after 14w+4d which is the triple test and then the second lot at 28w.never heard of having bloods at 34w,seems a bit late???
Hello! I'm by no means an expert, but it's your choice if you have the triple test done at 16 weeks (as long as your NHS authority provide it, some just offer the double test). It seems most do choose to have it (judging by my MW's surprise that I declined it!). I think it can be done up until 20 weeks for an accurate reading but don't quote me on this!

There's another set of blood tests at 28 weeks, where you are tested for glocuse and they do another general set of iron levels, blood count, etc. And then I think it's the last lot around 34 weeks.

The fact that your other results are very low risk, the MW probably thinks there's no need to perform it. However if you want the further screening test done enquire about it - it's your body and baby at the end of the day and it's your right to have the tests done if you want. Only thing I would say about it is think about what you would do if it came back higher risks for Down's or Spina - the reason I chose not to have it is cos I didn't want to have an amnio and if it came back high risk, I would spend the rest of my pregnancy worrying - for what is often no reason - which wouldn't be any good for the baby regardless of the results. And as I am also low risk, I didn't feel the need for extra screening.

My 20 wk scan was very thorough and the sonographer spent ages checking everything, all of which appeared perfectly normal. Although I know not all ladies are lucky enough to have such a thorough one (or one at all in some cases). There's around a 90% chance that spina bifida will show up on the scan and about 40% for Down's.

As I say, I'm not an expert at all, but this is what I have had done and experienced during my pregnancy. Hope it helps!

They don't recommend that you have the bloods at 16-18 weeks for downs if you've had the nuchal scan as sometimes the results can conflict. The nuchal scan is much more accurate and also looks for other chromosal abnormalities as well.

They will look for markers for spina bifida at the 20 week scan, if your 16 week bloods did come back with a high risk there would wait for your 20 week scan to investigate further is what I was told.

I also had a nuchal scan and on that basis I didn't have the bloods at 16 weeks for spina bifida.

You should have bloods at 28 weeks though as somebody else has mentioned. I'd query that at your next midwife appointment.
I didn't get any second bloods taken either. I *think* the confusion could be because I refused the NT scan, and only wanted the dating. I don't know why though, I jsut think I was vrey grateful for being pregnant in the first place!

I had the 20 week scan, which I thought they could tell some of the worries from? I don't think they can see Downs on the anomoly scan, but I thought the CF and SB would show up?
JulesK81 said:
It seems most do choose to have it (judging by my MW's surprise that I declined it!).

Im another one who declined it. Its such a personal choice but i decided that it wouldnt change anything apart from make me worry if i came back high risk.

Cant help with the answers to this post but good luck anyway.

Claire x

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