Trip to A&E!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I ended up in A&E last night with my 1st ever urine infection!! :shock:

It started at 7pm when it began to slightly burn to pee. By 9.30 it was excrutiating to pee and I was also peeing blood!! :shock: I was also peeing every 3-4 mins!!

My OH took me to our out of hours Doc in the A&E at the hospital 2 mins from us. Turns out it is quite a bad infection!!

My poor OH's face was a picture when he saw my pee sample!! Lets just say i'm glad I can't stand cranberry juice!! :shock::lol: ( really sorry for the TMI!)

Anyway because I told the doc were TTC he did a HPT and it was negative which lays to rest my 'niggling' feeling in my post on here yesterday! He sent us on our merry way with anti biotics for the next 3 days!! I've only been to the loo twice so far this morning and there seems to be no blood yet thank god!!

Thanks for reading! :)

Luckily I've never had one of these, dont sound pleasant hun! Hopefully it will start clearing up for you now!
aw poor you hun! hope it is all feeling better soon X us lot are keeping A & E in buisness at the moment arent we? what with you, me and wilma
Thanks Jar Jar!! It really isn't pleasant! Hopefully this is my 1st and last experience! lol

Lol I know Mrs Mc! I was there last month too for my mysterious foot pain! I'm thinking of renting a chair in the waiting room! :)

Ha ha ha yep Darent out of hours doc!

I'm back to normal now thank goodness and back BDing trying to get my BFP this month!

Thanks for asking hun! :)

Glad you're feeling better now hun, last time I went to Darenth I was waiting for four hours in A&E wasn't impressed with the waiting time lol hope you get your BFP soon xx
Glad those antibiotics have kicked in and your feeling a little better - sounded Horrible !

good luck fokr your TTC this month X
Thanks ladies! It was horrible, really painful!!

Vix I called NHS direct first and they transfered me to the out of hours Doc who made an appointment for me so we only waited 10 mins before I was seen!

Hi clairebear. I used to get it all the time. I can't count the amount of times I was at a&e peeing blood, doubled over in pain with it. Crying my eyes out, been getting it since I was 16. Eventually, after scans and a cystoscope they put me on antibiotics for six months as turned out I never really got rid of the infection from the first ever time I had it and your bladder needs six months straight to re heal itself, the pills they'd given me before just wernt strong enough. Nasty stuff cystitis. I can now say it's been a whole year since I've had an attack and hopefully it's cleared it for good. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Glad your sorted and I hope it doesn't get you again x
Aww thanks Toni!

I think the fact that I was only in pain for 3 hours or so before getting antibiotics means it never had the chance to turn into full blown cystitis thank goodness!!

I'm back to normal now!:)

Glad your all sorted too!! :)


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