emergency trip to a&e

hope you feeling better missac and hope all is well with bubba xx
hello, thanks for everyones posts, you are all angels!

phoned epu, they said I was too far gone for them! Phoned my midwife who wouldn't do a scan :evil: how rude!

She said she would listen to the heartbeat but as I can do that from home she said there wasn't really much point so hey hum! Still in pain today but am hopeful the anti biotics kick in soon!

When I was at the mw yesterday, I asked her if it was safe to use my doppler and she said yes but was surprised I could hear anything and then when Paul phoned epu they said that the dopplers were unreliable as you might be listening to the wrong thing.

Don't they make you sound stupid and make out you haven't a clue (although I don't but you would think they could humour me! :rotfl: )
She sounds lovely! :shock:

How helpful! Bet she's never been pregnant or was a lifetime ago!

Sorry to rant about your m/w but some people just don't realise that sometimes you need reassurance, may just be a job to them but it's your future! :evil:

Sorry to go on but it just annoys me :shakehead:

Anyway, hope your pills have kicked in and you're feeling a little better now!

Awwwwwwwwwwww ((((((((Missac))))))). Hope you're feeling loads better now. Are you taking cranberry juice as well as your anti-biotics? I ask because I ended up in A&E last night as well, also with a UTI, after having had a horrible tugging feeling behind my belly button and then onset of burning wee, plus high temp. It's so scary isn't it? I got the dr to listen to baby's heartbeat with a doppler - I was in tears when I asked her, and in tears of relief when the heartbeat was ok - you're not alone, we're so emotional atm, and it's more difficult when you have a temp as well. Hope you feel loads better really, really soon! :hug:
you are right to rant about by midwife kirly, I think it is a pregnant womans right to have a scan whenever we damn well feel like one!!!! Sometimes you think they sit there are bitch about "another anal mum to be" they shouldn't be allowed in the profession until they take an oath promising to pander to every whim and emotionally charged question voiced by their patient :evil:

Poor gingerpig!!!! :hug: isn't the most terifying couple of hours ever! It frightened the life out of me! It's also a bloomin horrid thing these uti's weeing like a race horse and very uncomfortable! A temp would have panicked them at the hospital too! If it helps any, my ab's kicked in yesterday and the pain had gone away to there is hope!

So much for us all blooming and feeling euphoric!! In the words of Nan Taylor from Catherine Tate "WHAT A LOT OF OLD SH*T!"
missac said:
Poor gingerpig!!!! :hug: isn't the most terifying couple of hours ever! It frightened the life out of me! It's also a bloomin horrid thing these uti's weeing like a race horse and very uncomfortable! A temp would have panicked them at the hospital too! If it helps any, my ab's kicked in yesterday and the pain had gone away to there is hope!

So much for us all blooming and feeling euphoric!! In the words of Nan Taylor from Catherine Tate "WHAT A LOT OF OLD SH*T!"

I must admit I found it pretty scary - it's hard to feel reasonable about things when full of hormones. We had a friend staying with us, and sadly she caught of the grumpy flack from the hormonal pregnant lady who was not happy :oops: Like you I feel a lot better today, but I've also spent most of today in bed eating chocolate to accompany my anti-b's. Such a hard life :angel: They didn't actually take my temp at the hospital, and they couldn't even find the uti in the sample I gave, but we all knew it was there lol. Luckily I had my maternity notes which said it had been picked up previously. So glad you're feeling better :hug:

Loving the Catherine Tate quote - very appropriate. Of course, the anti-b's are making my fungal skin rashes flare, although they're helping the eczema ones which were infected. I'm blooming I tell's ya...

Here's to getting better from these pesky uti's!
blimey, you are having no luck what with itching and peeing! Your day sounds like a good day! I love sitting in bed in fact bed is my most favourite place to be!!!
Yeah, its been a LOVELY day lol. I'm waddling a bit, but who cares lol. My wonderful OH has offered to go and get our favourite take-out for tea so life is on the up :dance: Hope you've had a good day!
I've had a great day although somewhat drink filled - see other post!!

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