Treat yourself in Tri 1


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2010
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There are a lot of threads in Tri 1 full of worry, anxiety, stress, understandably. Not to mention exhaustion, nausea, pains and all round weird things so I thought it would be nice to have an indulgence thread where we could post ideas on little things that make us feel good.

I woke up this morning feeling absolute rubbish, sick and dizzy so I've called in sick :whistle: So far today I have -

Dragged the duvet and pillows downstairs and lay on the sofa watching back to back Sex and the City.

Made myself egg mayonaise with salad cream and ate it out of the bowl.

Ruined my grown up Green and Blacks organic hot chocolate by covering it with mini marshmallows - heaven.

Feeling much better now :lol:
Lol nice idea, I've just indulged in half a jar of pickled onions and 2 wispa bars.....not together I might add lmao. Am planning a foot rub when oh gets home and the in-laws have said they need to talk to us later....hoping and praying the mil isn't pregnant too rofl xxxxxxxxxx
that sounds heavenly kirsty apart from the egg mayonaise yukky. I may just have to do that at some point. lol. I have felt pretty damn crappy the past few weeks and have had to still keep going cos my 13 year old doesn't know I'm pregnant yet!
Hmm... I am currently on 3 weeks annual leave and LOVING it!! My guilty sin is relaxing and watching lots of films!! Also craving salt and vinegar crisps so making OH buy my bags by the dozen! Lol. It is nice to see a happy thread, all of us are feeling sick and anxious!! Will be nice when we are all in tri 2 and can start blooming rather than throwing up!! xxx
I have a headache today and feel grotty so I have cracked open the Ben and jerrys
I can't stop eating and loving frozen grapes! Got lasagne being made for me and gunna grab some choccy :) had a wonderfuly day seeing family congratuate me, so think good food good t.v and snuggles are in order now xx
Dont want to spoil it but iv had a crap day, work is pissing me off, felt like telling them to piss off today. Might have to take a leaf out of your book Kirsty and ring in sick :) Maybe then i could have some meeee time. Its hard having a full time job, a 5 year old to look after, tea to cook, house to clean etc etc.
Might go and eat some strawberry pudding & custard to cheer me up :) xxx
Had a great day to day too as well....made hot chilli con carne for dinner and just after scoffing my face with fizzy snakes as well mmmmm.....! On the sofa now with the OH...only bad thing now is...I have to watch the footie lol!
Lol, ive come to bed to watch the soaps and theres naff all on. Gutted lol xx
Great thread kirsty!

I love duvet days, i've not done much to treat myself today but that will be my mission tomorrow :)

I had a shit day at work as my sickness reappeared and I threw up at breaktime, lunchtime, then just after I'd seen the kids off home!!! Got back at half six, had a mega puke at seven, and then stuffed myself with tea as I felt better. I have also just eaten a Twirl and a Cadburys Dairy Milk, and am debating a Snickers as well while I watch crap on the TV. This is the life!! In about half an hour I'm going to demand my OH carries the little portable TV from the kitchen upstairs to the bedroom so I can watch Shameless in bed!!!!
What an excellent thread - you're right, we need to focus on the sunny side!

As for me, I have been treating myself to whatever I want to eat, whenever I want it (although not if it's something we're not supposed to eat). I've put on a couple of pounds but at this point I don't care - it's more important to look after ourselves, I think!

I think I might let myself take a duvet day one day soon too... Just so I can sit on the sofa and watch Singing In The Rain and eat chocolate to my heart's content!

Thanks again for a lovely thread.

Ben and Jerrys cookie dough ice cream and chick flicks are my treat!
I think us pregnant women should be allowed one duvet day a week with full pay from work.
Oh, and pigs might fly!
I am just happy that I am pregnant, I am madly in love with my husband, who is treating me like a princess because I am pregnant, and I live in a happy home. What more could I ask for..... Well maybe a massive bag of chocolate!
Great thread! I love duvet days!! Chillin with my puppy n eating pringles and strawberry laces mmmmmmm along with some re-runs of friends!!! :) xx

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