If you fly check if you have priority because you likely have because the child is under two.. do have some nose spray suitable from birth this is like saviour sweet baby Jesus if you get cold like symptoms and a crying baby from ear ache.. a pram tag to take the pram to the gate ask for a R to be put on the tag so you can ask it back at the ramp when you exit the plane. Now not every airport supports this so bring a baby carrier too, preferably an ergonomic one so it's comfortable for both you and baby! Bring an ehic card and know where you can get health care advise in case you feel like you need to only because knowing where it is before hand and not needing it is better than needing it and not knowing and having that panic/stress. Do bring enough essentials like nappies, wipes, dummies, creams as these tend to be more expensive abroad.. at most airport child medicines and foods are exempt from the limit so if you'd be bottle feeding ready milk can be brought through security just make sure all small stuff is put in a plastic bag they'll offer you and to make them aware of any bigger liquids like pre made baby milk you have on you.. they'll check it separately but shouldn't give you any issues x