trapped wind and Griping Pains


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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does anyone have any magical remedies for helping LO's with wind? Theo is bottle fed and suffers really badly with wind and griping pains. after a feed it takes a good half hour to get his eind up, and even then i can feel it whirling in his tummy. he often screams out and tenses his whole body up. poor little man

we give him infacol before every feed, but it dose not seem to be helping him.

can anyone recomend anything else?

Thank you :hug:
have you tried winding im after every ounce? that sometimes helps as it doesnt let it get a build up,
also try putting him on your sholder and wind that way i find the bring up wind easier like that :)
If he is bottle fed iirc Colief is better than Infacol for colic and wind. Maybe get some of that. Wind as you go might also help. And check the teats are not letting too much air through. Or are too slow or fast for your LO.

How long have you been using Infacol? It needs a fair few days to take effect.

Tummy gurgling and whirling is normal btw. The gut and so on don't mature for about 10-12 weeks so having lots of noise during and after a feed can often happen.
Dylan was like how you describe and midwife suggested we try colief. it has worked wonders for him. It's expensive but you can get it on prescription from your GP if you find it works.

It is a bit of a pain to make the bottles up but very much worth the extra hassle to put LO out of pain.
I still remember both me and DH sitting crying the night after I came out of hospital with Charlie (he was 4 days old) because he just screamed the house down with trapped wind/colic and we didnt know what to was awful, so DH drove out to the 24hr Tesco and came back with a bottle of Infacol cos I had read about it on an advert in a baby magazine (those were the days!!!)
Anyway, we used Infacol for about 3 weeks..used to love those Orangy smelling burps..and swapped to Colief which was even better and we used to get 2 bottles at a time from our GP which was a GodSend!!!
Well worth a try :wave:
If he has dodgy pooh as well and LOADS of trapped wind he might be lactose intolerant (in which case Infacol / gripe water / all the rubbing in the world will do sod all) - try Colief and if you see improvement this is almost certainly the case. Not with us though as Connie was allergic to Colief ha ha :rotfl:

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