transverse presentation at 31 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Evening ladies.
We've been for a 4d scan today which was amazing. The sonographer said that baby was lysing sideways (transverse) which I didn't think anything of at the time because I;m pretty sure it's been in that position all the way along. However since getting home I've been having a read up and it seems that most babies have turned into head down by this point and if it still hasn't turned in the next few weeks it's likely to mean a C section? i know there is still time for baby to turn but to be honest I haven't really thought aboout a C section at all - I'm totally mentally prepared for a natural birth and also open to the idea of medical intervention if needed but it hasn't crossed my mind that I wouldn't even go into labour? The thought of an elective caesaerian horrifies me to be honest. Anyway I know i'm jumping ahead of myself - my real question if what experiences people have of transverse babies at this stage - if and when they turned and if not, at what stage do they start talking about C sections as I imagine they won't risk going to 40 weeks?
Becky x
Following this along with my own thread.

No practical experience/advice on c-secs but one big advantage with one is thst you know exactly when they will arrive

I am nearly 30 weeks and baby is transverse too. The consultant wasn't concerned in the slightest, she said there is plenty of time and space to turn. I haven't googled though so I'm just believing in her haha!
I posted about this a while ago too, mine was transverse the whole time and turned just before 36 weeks. You have lots of time, try not to worry (though I did!!)
Mine is transverse too so im watching with interest, my midwife said they wouldn't worry about it until 36 weeks as there's still lots of time for baby to move. Fingers crossed they do soon, I just want to know either way x
Oh my friends baby was also transverse the whole pregnancy then turned at 34 weeks so it does happen x
Thankyou for replying - reassuring that midwife won't be worried for another 4 weeks or so - would just be nice if they could shift sooner rather than later but these babies do like to keep us on our toes don't they. Guess there is some benefit to knowing when they will arrive but I'm actually quite excited about the labour bit and I would be disappointed if I didn't get to experience it. Still I guess you have to go with what's best for mum and baby which I know is all that really matters in the end xx
Plenty of time but Don't worry about sections if baby doesn 't behave, esp elective - they are very calm and controlled. Ive 4 elective and 1 emergency and they are major surg but really not as horendous as they are made out to be xx
I am similar, baby is breech and I am flat out every evening doing exercises on ball to turn it around. A section is the last thing I want, I think I would feel cheated not being allowed to even try to go naturally x
Getting on your hands and knees and cleaning the kitchen floor is another one to try Bubbles! :) that is supposed to help baby to move!
Lollie, funny enough, that was on my to do list (due to dirty floor more than anything lol). I always find the mop just doesn't do it correctly lol... Anyway I digress.

I did the bathroom floor on the Saturday at 28 weeks and baby flipped on the Monday of 28weeks... Maybe related...

Cheers lollie x
I did it Friday and baby seems to be moving in a different place so hoping mine has moved too!
Also look at spinning babies website. I did all the usual stuff on the ball and also the inversions off the bed/sofa twice a day. I was really worried but mine turned and almost fully engaged overnight so was just keeping me on my toes!
Ahh ok thankyou. I've heard that swimming can be quite good too which I guess has something to do with position and gravity? I saw my midwife today for 31wk appt and she said they're not normally worried until 36 weeks so plenty of time. She also said it's very unlikely to stay tranverse for first pregnancy as the uterus can't stretch that much so baby has to shift around at some point whether they like it or that reassured me - it's crazy that I'm starting to think and even worry about babies presentation - guess this means there not that much longer left to go araghhhhhhh :) xx
Hurrah - just had 34 week appointment and baby is now head down! Still back to back so still a bit of work to do but just glad it's not wedged on it's side anymore. Since it's moved I'm back up to normal bump measurements as at last appointment I was measuring 3 weeks behind but now just 1 week behind. Woop :)
That's great Becky:-) bet that's a weight of your shoulders.

My baba was head down also on Wednesday so all our bouncing and floor scrubbing must have worked lol!
Great news, both of you! I'm still waiting for my monkey to turn!

I'm 33 weeks and baby is still breech, need to clean the floor more!
I found out at my 32 weeks appointment my baby is now head down too! Woohoo x

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