transverse lie - UPDATE page 2


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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my baby is measuring at 39 weeks and is lying transverse! they're rushing me in for an emergency ultrasound on friday morning.

I'm so worried - what if he doesn't turn in time?! I'll be facing a C section and I'm soooo scared of having a c-section!!

:hug: i'm sorry- u must be so scared!
hope he turns for u :pray:
Hey Xena,

Sorry to hear this - I don't know much about tranverse babies - is there anything you/they can do to help him/her shift?

Good luck on Friday! You might beat me to it yet!

Valentine xxx
omg shit thats not good xena!I know the fear your feeling too!thinkin about a c s ection brings me out in a sweat.
I hope lo turns in time, but remeber some dont turn till last minute.I know im not being very helpful but i really hope it dont end in a c section for you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
My babys transverse too. :x
aw hun hope they can turn bubs for you :hug: good luck on Friday.
I know a couple of people whose breech babies turned at 40 weeks, if that's possible then hopefully your baby might move? Try the usual tips for breeches - crawl on your knees, lean on your elbows with your bum in the air, sit forwards on seats etc...

I really hope he moves for you, but if he doesn't try not to worry too much about c-section. Loads of ladies on the forum have had them with no problems, and it'll be safer for you and baby boy. Good luck honey :hug:
thanks everyone for the advice.

I hope he turns in time - I know I'm being silly about the c-section but I can't help it - the thought of them cutting my stomach open :shock: It freaks me out!

I'm gonna try rocking backwards and forwards on all fours today to see if that helps.
A college of DH's has a pregnant daughter - she's about 3 weeks ahead of me so now 39 weeks. She's only just had the baby turn now and narrowly avoided c-section. Do some googling, see what you can find out about turning tips etc. I hope you don't have to have a section if it's not what you want. I'd be in a right flap if they put "c-section" in a suggestive sentance to me right now. Hope all goes to plan for you.
Hi Xena,

sorry to read about your baby being transverse. That can be quite uncomfortable. I hope LO turns for you before Friday. It's worth trying the old wives tales of things to do to get LO to move I suppose coz they can't hurt and just might work. :pray:

If he doesn't move on his own I know they can sometimes try to manually move the baby so it's not necessarily inevitable you'll have a CS.

But if you do, it's not the end of the World, I had a CS with my first and, although I was petrified, it wasn't half as bad as I expected. Recovery is slower than with a VB but so long as you don't overdo things you'll be fine. :hug:
I've heard acupuncture can sometimes help turn babies too if that's something that might interest you?
if it's free I'd give it a go lol. Can't afford to go to one of these alternative remedy places though. We're stony broke right now.
I was reading about these moxa sticks that you can use when my baby was breech a few weeks ago . . ... rea13.html

I'm sure they can't cost too much and are worth a crack??
I know how you feel, when I realised a c-section might be needed it made me feel very wierd, after focusing on how the labour will go all this time it changes everything and is a bit of a shock!
good luck!! :pray:
Oh honey good luck at moving the munchkin, try the angry cat back arching on all fours and sitting back to front see if that can help,.
Hope LO turns for you babe :pray:
i hope lo turns for you as you clearly want a vb - but dont worry about a csection - i have had both vb and csection and recovered far quicker after the csection :D - to the extent that i had an elective csection (elected for by ME) with no. 3 and the same with no 4 :D
Hope your LO turns for you too honey.... :hug:

I don't think a c-section is the end of the world honey think of the long game, which is what I have talked myself into.

You get a LO at the end of it, you get to know exactly what to expect and when it is going to happen and a fair idea of how you will feel afterwards, which are all uncertain in a vaginal birth! I have managed to persuade myself to feel really positive about having a c-section, I actually think I will be a bit gutted if baby turns now!
really hope your LO turns for you. Mine is back to back at the mo and ive been sitting in various positions, mostly sitting backwards on a chair, my arse is killing me but I can tell LO doesnt like it either because it keep trying to move. Im gonna keep it up because I am now convinced that sitting like this will help it turn. I hope the kneeling on all fours works for you too :pray: :hug:

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