Transvaginal Scan

Sammy J

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Hi Guys

I have just had a phone call from the doctors saying that they have booked me for a transvaginal scan. This doesn't sound like a normal scan to me?

I had some discharge last week, so the doctors said they wanted to check that everything was ok.

Sounds painful, do you get an actual image from the scan?

Read a little bit on the net about it, but could do with an opinion from someone or someone that knows someone that has had one?

Feedback please :(
it isnt painful in any way and doesnt take long - i havent had one but my friend had one with both of her pregnancies...

try not to worry, you'll be fine
I had one, it wasn't painful just a little weird. It's like a small vibrator sized camera that they put the gel on and then insert it. They only move it around a bit and you can watch the screen while they're doing it, see if you can see anything for yourself!!!

Good luck x
It's not too pleasant but not painfull, you do get a picture, prob a clearer one than with a normal scan which is why they use them earlier in pregnancy.
It will be fine :)
Oh great thanks guys

That makes me feel a little bit better 'transvaginal' doesn't sound very nice at all.

I'm sure everything is fine, I still feel pregnant so thats a good sign, right?

I had one and it did hurt me a bit, just an initial ouch getting it in, but it depends on how tight you are i suppose! Most people though say they didnt hurt with it.

I didnt really get to see the screen unless i was uncomfortably half sitting up, best to lie back and relax and she'll show you the printed out photos at the end.

Make sure you have a good wee before hand!
Good wee before hand?

Thanks for telling me that as my bladder isn't the best, just imagine that?????
That's a point, she sent me off for a wee before she did it!

You'll be fine hon x
Yeh its really important your bladder is empty for it.
Good luck with the scan, I had one at 7 weeks pregnant because it was too early to get a clear ultrasound picture through my tummy, it was uncomfortable but wasnt painful, its not a problem honest! :hug:
Well Girlies, off to the hospital in a bit to have this scan!!!!

Not sure what to make of it but at least in a couple of hours I will know if the baby is ok or not.

Yep just come back, they were really nice actually. They turned the screen around to show me the heartbeat. I'm glad they did coz now it feels real.

Apparently its in the uterus snug as a bug. She said my dates were about right too for the size of the baby. So absolutely delighted.

Glad it was all ok Sammy - see all worry about nothing

How many weeks are you hon?

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