Took Faith to docs today?? (not happy)


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hiya girls,

Well the 4th time in 3 weeks this is and im not happy,
she has yellow stuff pooring out off her ear in the night and she is in agony she screams if you touch it!
The first time he perscribed her with ear drops so i read through the leaflet first and he had perscribed her ear drops for children 3yrs and over and told me to give her the same dose as an adult!! :|

so i rang out off hours G.P and he said not to give her to them under no circumstances!! so i didnt!!

Well today took her back as its still happining and she also has a real bad upset tummy he said look there is nothing wrong with her its totally normal now i will perscribe her anti biotics if you want me to but she dont need them!! :twisted:

i have wrote to the govener body of my surgery as im not happy!! :wall:

anyone else had this problem?? ( sorry to rant ) x
:shock: I can't believe that! You do right to complain! I would have asked to see a different doctor too and explain what has gone on!
Poor little Faith Hope she gets better soon! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hmm, that doesn't sound normal to me. We certainly didn't have anything like that when Ellie was that age. I hope she feels better soon :hug: Can you see a different doctor at the surgery?
I am fuming with mr Drs at the moment for not being efficient (I have been ill for a long time because they didn't send off tests- it's a long story) and am going to change surgeries I think but in the meantime I usually just ask to see the one Dr there I trust. You should be able to ask for another Dr, I've spoken to plenty of people I know who say that they avoid certain Drs or only see one or two so I think it's quite common. One of ours has a very bad bedside manner and has reduced several of my friends to tears after they've taken their babies in to be seen.

I would recommend that you get a second opinion, especially if you're worried about it (which I would be too).

Faith seems better today thanks sam!

The doctor i saw was a childrens doctor and its not the first time he has been wrong he has done this to 2 of my friends before and there babies ended up in hospital!
Thats great news, glad the poor baby is feeling a bit better

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