Too soon for own room?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Right ladies another dilema for you brilliant mums out there to help me with!

So Casey is not sleeping in her moses basket at night. She'll go down after her bath but after the first feed thats her wide awake! I'm thinking it could be to do with her sleeping all day and her pattern being back to front but it also could be the fact she hates being alone in the room (even with comforting noise)

So I feel like we have tried everything so tonight I thought I would try her in her cot in her room. She's slept since I put her down which is great but hubby is scared about cot death and with her being in her own room?

What do you ladies think? Bearing in mind shes 10 days old!


I think it's a little early but if that's the only way she sleeps I suppose you cant do much if you tried everything else?
Do you have a monitor and a sensory pad that alerts you if she stops breathing?
Did you try swaddling and put in the Moses basket?
I am sure mums with experience will answer you soon, I just didn't want to read and run.
We will have to put LO in its room pretty early too but Los room entrance is through our room and if the door is open between the two rooms is like 2 m away from me.
I have just a monitor but I'm going to get the angelcare one with the sensor for peace of mind! Yeah tried swaddling her but she hates her arms being tucked in, tried a hot water bottle in the basket before she goes in, tried a ticking travel clock to try and remind her of my heartbeat, downloaded an app that has sounds from the womb, bath her, feed her and bed her etc etc. We have tried all those and it was getting to the point where I was bringing her into our bed and she was sleeping no problem and right through the night! I was having to wake her for feeds lol!
But thank you for your advice! :D xxx

If u think it will suit her better then I would. Def get an angelcare or similar though.
All 3 of mine went into their own f
Room early cos the we're noisy sleepers !! My youngest 2 were 2 days old xxx

I'm glad I'm not the only one then! Lol! I feel really sad that shes already in her room but shes slept right through! Although I havent slept a wink because I'm so paranoid without that angelcare! We will be getting one in a weeks time so I'll just need to hold out for then!

I also thought about trying the cot in our room? Thats if it fits through our doors! We would need to move our room about and it'll be squashed... Might try that tonight and see how she gets on! God I wish babies came with instructions or were able to talk right away lol! Xxx

Hi there! We put Annie in her own room after about 2 weeks. She would keep us a wake and in turn we would wake her accidentally. Hubby and I have always liked to snuggle up and chat before sleep and we couldn't do that when she was in the room. I did feel guilty at first but we all slept so much better. We bought the Angelcare with sensor pad, but we didn't use the pad to be honest. A lot of people I know have had too many scares with them so I didn't bother. God, I sound like a harsh witch!

Don't feel guilty hun! Go with your gut feeling - it's always best!
we moved Alyssa's cot into our room a couple of weeks ago cos she wasnt sleeping well in the moses at night. now she practically sleeps thru from around 11/12. if she wakes its usually just once and i can feed her and get her down in 45 mins (oh wakes her too much)
We have Los cot in our room! She's 7 months and still with us! Tbh it's only because of damp issues in her room which are getting sorted this week but I'm worrying we've left it too long and will struggle! I say go with what you feel comfortable with :) x

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When my LO moved into her own room I put a mattress on the floor and moved in with her, since that's what is recommended for cot death prevention. I think it's not only to do with us hearing them (which a monitor can achieve just as well), but also with them being able to hear our sleeping noises and therefore not going into a completely deep sleep - which sounds ironic, because we want them to sleep, don't we, but apparently the risks of cot death are higher in the first 6 months if they fall into a really deep deep sleep. I think you have to put all these recommendations into context and do what works for you, but I have decided to stay in Samira's room until she is 6 months old.
We moved Chloe's cot into our bedroom the other day, took one side off and butted it up to the bed and she sleeps perfectly, most of the time :)

Definitely consider it if it's an option for you
I moved Lylah into her room at about 6 weeks . I hated doing it but she sleeps much better . I did sleep in her room for the first few days until our new video monitor came . It's a summer one ( one of the ladies on here recommended it.) It is fab I can hear her breathing and see her it's great . We couldn't bring her cot in our room cause it's too small :( but i think she prefers being on her own because the room doesn't get so stuffy xxxx
I think you have to do whatever you feel most comfortable with, but bearing in mind what's best for baby too.
Over here, they recommend baby sleeps in your room for the first 6 months minimum, it's what we did with No.1 and what we'll do with the little lady too- she's 4 months now.
We moved her cot into our room when she was about 4 weeks old, she had been sleeping in her bassinet in our room previous to that, and she's never had an issues sleeping. We can even watch tv when we g to bed, while she's's so much easier for night feeds too:)
Anyway, it's different strokes for different folks.... As long as baby is safe and healthy, nothing else matters.
Eeeek we still have Kynon in our room at 6 months! Def wouldn't be my choice, must admit i was really shocked when i got to the end of your post and found she's 10 days old! Its normal for babies to wake loads in the night esp so tiny so I wouldn't worry about that they still need to feed in the night at that age. Im dreading moving him and no way Im traipsing across the house to feed him every 2 hours so he ain't moving until he sleeps longer!

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I wouldn't move her personally. 10 days is a bit too little for me.

If its any consolation, I went through the same with the Moses basket at night, thought she didn't like it etc.

Does she sleep well in it during the day? This was how I knew it wasn't the basket and was something else?
Ps. Why is she alone in the room? Don't you take her to bed with you?
Was going to say what Torino said. It's best to keep her with you and take her to bed when you go (that's if she sleeps fine in basket during the day)

So far we've had no set bedtimes for either Harry or us. When we've been ready to go up he's come in his basket with us
I put Alice to bed at 8pm and we go up to bed at 11pm --- dont know if she goes into deep sleep but it hasnt done any harm yet - - she may not take baby up with them if she wants baby to have a bed time and self settle.
Could you try a travel cot with a basinet holder? I know that is what we are going to have to use as we can't fit a cotbed in our room.

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