Too much vitamin C?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone can help me with this one......?

I have recently been reading that too much vitamin C can affect you concieveing, Although i am aware that you need Vitamin C to help concieve, I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this and if it may affect the mans sperm aswell?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks x
I didn't actually think you could have too much vitamin C, as unlike some other vitamins (A, D, E and K, I think - which are fat soluble) it is water soluble so any excess that your body doesn't need is excreted x
I've heard that too, and the Gynecologist told me that too much Vitamin A is bad too, that's why you should take a special pregnancy multivitamin and not a normal multivitamin.

Ive found this:

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and studies show that vitamin C enhances sperm quality, protecting sperm and the DNA within it from damage. Some research has indicated that certain types of DNA damage in the sperm can make it difficult to conceive in the first place, or it can cause an increased risk of miscarriage if conception does take place. If DNA is damaged, there may be a chromosomal problem in the baby, should the pregnancy proceed. Whether or not DNA damage does have these effects has not been conclusively proven, but it's worth taking vitamin C and the other antioxidants as a precautionary measure.

Vitamin C also appears to keep the sperm from clumping together, making them more motile.

One study has shown that women taking the drug clomiphene to stimulate ovulation will have a better chance of ovulating if vitamin C is taken alongside the drug. Clomiphene does not always work in every woman, but the chances are often increased when vitamin C is supplemented. and this is the site i got it from it has alot of useful information on here.

Ive found this:

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and studies show that vitamin C enhances sperm quality, protecting sperm and the DNA within it from damage. Some research has indicated that certain types of DNA damage in the sperm can make it difficult to conceive in the first place, or it can cause an increased risk of miscarriage if conception does take place. If DNA is damaged, there may be a chromosomal problem in the baby, should the pregnancy proceed. Whether or not DNA damage does have these effects has not been conclusively proven, but it's worth taking vitamin C and the other antioxidants as a precautionary measure.

Vitamin C also appears to keep the sperm from clumping together, making them more motile.

One study has shown that women taking the drug clomiphene to stimulate ovulation will have a better chance of ovulating if vitamin C is taken alongside the drug. Clomiphene does not always work in every woman, but the chances are often increased when vitamin C is supplemented. and this is the site i got it from it has alot of useful information on here.

Hi there,
Thanks alot for the info..... !
I was told that you obviously need Vitamin C to help concieve but on a website it says that you can actually over do it lol, Juat wanted to see what all you ladies thought.

How much Vitamin C would you take? xx
I wouldnt like to say but ive looked it up and ive saw one saying 1000 mg a day. Maybe contact your doctor just to be sure? xxx
This might help:

Taking some vitamin C is actually a great idea,
because vitamin C (in small doses) can do something
wonderful to increase your fertility. It actually
improves your cervical fluid. You may know that
the cervical fluid is crucial for transporting
the sperm to your cervix and on to your uterus,
where it will eventually meet up with your egg.
Without good quality cervical fluid, the sperm just
doesn't have a chance of surviving for very long.

But here's the catch...Too much vitamin C can have
the opposite effect. Yeah, that's right...too much
can cause your cervical fluid to dry up, and that
can just about ruin your chance of ever getting
pregnant. So you must be extremely careful to avoid
taking high doses of vitamin C supplements (especially
during cold and flu season where we're often advised
to load up on vitamin C).

How much is too much?? I would recommend 500mg of
vitamin C supplements daily, or you can go as high as
1000mg, but definitely do not take more than 1000mg
per day.
Hey everyone,
Thanks very much for the help, Much appreciated.
Just dont want to over do it thats all, Xx
Thanks, I see you already got your BFP.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I wish you all the best with your pregnancy xxx
OMG, this has kind of worried me, am eating oranges like they are going out of fashion.

OH would like a boy if possible (he has a girl from a past relationship), and have read that eating citrus fruit helps the body's pH levels to favour the boy sperm.

Am going to limit myself to two a day! Just in case I'm overdoing it
I think forget taking vit c as long as you eat a healthy amount of fruit and veg then you're getting what you need naturally.

My favourite food is tomatoes and they contain more vit c than oranges, and i get through a lot of them every week, in salads, baby ones dipped in humus, in pasta sauces, so i know my vitamin c levels are healthy. Surely that's the best way?
Hi Girls,

I just found this topic now, looking for something else....
I've asked my sister, she's a GP about this while ago and she said that it can't harm you since you pee out all the excess...
regarding the oranges... according to the table below, you would need to eat around 15 oranges per day to get to that 1000 mg limit, so I don't think there's a worry....:)
Vitamin A can be a problem and that's why the supplements should be without one... (basically any conception or pregnancy vitamins)

Whole Food Sources Serving Vitamin C (mg) Sweet red pepper 1/2 cup, raw 141 Strawberries 1 cup 82 Orange 1 medium 70 Brussels sprouts 1/2 cup 68 Broccoli, cooked 1/2 cup 58 Collard greens, cooked 1/2 cup 44 Grapefruit 1/2 medium 44 Canteloupe 1/4 medium 32 Cabbage, cooked 1/2 cup 24 Tomato 1 medium 23

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