Too much sleep?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Scarlett slept through last night from 10:30pm till 4:30am then 5:00am till 8:30am and I felt blessed!

But today has been pretty much the same, all sleep! Not like her at all, and no crying :? She's normally quite demanding during the day and at altho its lovely and Im loving having time to do the chores etc its suddenly dawned on me that this isnt normal- how would i know if everythings ok?

Theres one thing that may be adding to why shes so content but surely it cant make that much impact already? Her sling arrived today and shes been in it for most of the day and slept on me in that, but this evening shes not been in it at all and is still sleeping- ive even had to wake her up to feed her.

What do u guys think?
up until emma was 3 months all she did was sleep! but if youre worried ask your HV :hug:
Lily has days like that. She is now 3 months old but has done this quite often. When she has a sleepy day she will wake for a feed and is very alert but goes back to sleep again fairly quickly.

I was told by a friend that this is normal and it could be she is just sleeping off a pain as lily suffers from trapped wind/colic.

Also it could be that Scarlett is gettng bigger and her stomach stays full for longer so she is sleeping for longer lengths of time.

But if when she is awake she is not alert maybe you should ask you HV for advise but don't think there is anything to worry about.

hope everything is ok.
same here, ellie was crying alot for 2 days.. could have been many things, constipation, wind, teetghing-coz she has a bad rash on her cheeks or her milk coz the rash gets worse when shes feeding..
So i gave her teething powder which helps pain and eases the stomach.
I fed her 4 oz at 6pm, powder at 6:15pm, she settled right away (she didnt sleep longer than 10mins all day, constant crying) then i tried waking her at 10pm for a feed, she was out of it! all floppy and she only took an ounce, but she was alert when i changed her bum, but went right back to sleep.. then she woke up at 6:30am! so she went from 6 til 6:30 with just an ouce in between! Then after 4oz at 6:30am i gave her another powder like it says to on the box and she wouldnt feed til 11am! and she was asleep ALL day, i had to wake her every 4 hrs for feeding. I had health visitor that day and she said its not normal, but shes alert so its not bad. she was awake there for 10mins and wasnt crying which i took as a good sign! she said if she sleeps that long again to go see the doctor, but i think it was just a sleep well over due! she went down at 10:30 the night after woke at 2 then 6 then 10 so she was ok after.
Shes been the same today, BAD sick and crying all the time, so ive given her the powder again to see how she goes. shes just got back to sleep at the mo but earlier she was screaming so bad bless her!
I think that shes sleeping very well hun! Jaycee slept thru 8 til 8 at about 2 months so its not that bad :)
I know Dylan will sleep all the time he is ni his baby carrier.we only use it when out at times, so i do thinl it could be a factor..Also D does have tired days usually after a growth spurt but for no good rason atall that i can see sometimes

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