Do I need a 2nd opinion?,,,


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Or am I suffering from new mum syndrome?

Islas had a cold for ages now, but on weekend it got much worse. I took her to doctors monday who said her chest was clear, its just a cold.

But shes much much worse. She keeps getting coughing fits which make her face purple, I have to sit her up quick as she sounds like shes choking. Shes off her feeds, having approx 4oz a day instead of 5 oz a feed.
last night she went to sleep at 11.30 pm and woke at 6-30 am (usually would be amazing , but for a baby that normally wakes 2 hourly for feeds, is very odd), she had an oz of milk then slept for another 3 hours, just woke for another oz and has gone back to sleep.
Shes also vomited back a lot of these feeds too. Im using the nasal aspirator to get the bogies out, but she sounds rattley and has a lot of sticky spit in her mouth.

Do I just let her ride it out or go back to doctors? I dont know how a baby with a cold should act, and its scaring the life outta me when shes having these coughing fits :(

lease please help, Im worrying and getting no sleep as Im watching over her all night :(
I'm a new mum as well, so certainly no expert.

Did you see the doc this Monday or last Monday?
tbh I don't see any harm in going back to see the doc. Its better to be on the safe side than not. They aren't going to have a go at you for being safe. If you do make an appointment I would do so with a different doctor this time, to as you said get a different opinion. What one doctor might miss another might find.

I would definitely go back if she is working up a fever. If it was me I would go back regardless given the changes in her feeding patterns. Its not healthy or good for you either, as there's nothing being paranoid and worrying sick.

Good luck and I hope Isla gets well soon :hug:
I would go back and get her checked again.

I hope shes better soon :hug:
I went back today as Isla had a major coughing fit that was scary!
Her lungs are fine, just a cold..but he wants me to go back if no better friday as hes concerned about her not feeding.

Thanks for your replies girls :hug:
i was just going to post a similar thing about Levi, he is really poorly atm and i was thinking of taking him to the docs tomorrow but sure they will just say its a cold so am going to see how he goes tonight then maybe take him if hes no better.
Aww Poor Levi :(
Our doctor made me feel stupid for taking her with a cold..but her cough was horrendous! She still has it but at least shes not retching with it, he just recommended sitting in a steamy bathroom with her, and waking her for feeds so she doesnt get dehydrated. I just wanted them to check her chest to make sure it hadnt got to her lungs..if I didnt take her and she had a chest infection they would of probably told me off. Take him hun if hes no better, its what they are they for!
Hope the little guy feel smuch better very soon :hug:
Well i took Levi to the docs this morning and he too has a cold but as you said its the nasty chesty cough that is more the worry, my doctor i have to say was really nice but he is anyway, ive had him now for years. Levi is still feeding well so i guess thats one good thing. Lets hope both our little ones get better soon :hug:

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