Too much movement??

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Is there any such thing??

I am having a bit of a bad time of it at the mo with Pumpkin moving about. He is really really low and seems to be constantly moving and kicks me in the bladder and various organs nearly all the time. Its got to the point where its knocking me sick and I feel queasy and threw up this morning. Im also feeling dizzy and been seeing black spots in front of my eyes. I dunno if thats related or what...

Anyway, the movement is loads more than I had with James and I thought he was active! do you think everything is ok? Am I just going to have a hyperactive child or can it be a sign that there is a problem?

Happy Christmas to everyone by the way! Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. :hug: :hug:
How long has it been going on for? i've had that a few times but usually just for a couple of days then it quietens down again.
Don't know about the black spots though? :think: When is your next MW appointment?
New YEars Eve. ANd its been going on for about 3 days now.

I wouldnt mind but its putting me off my grub and for a pregnant lady at chrimbo who cant drink...what else is there??!
i know what you mean :hug: :hug:

We spread out our mountain of food through the day yesterday so i could fit in as much as possible but it was hard going! And I got major heartburn throught the night to pay for it - thank goodness for Gaviscon!!
God the dreaded heartburn - I know what thats like!

Seems the only things i can eat that dont give me it is cottage cheese and yoghurt!! Not very christmasy!!! :rotfl:
I keep the Gaviscon by the bed, and just swig it out of the bottle. Classy!

Do you think you can keep going til your next appontment? Maybe see if things calm down a bit? i don't think you can have too much movement, but the not being able to eat and seeing spots can't be nice! :hug: :hug:
Jen I suspect that you are just able to feel it more with your second - I was convinced that my stomach muscles werent as good with Josh and thats why it actually hurt when he kicked me..... This one hurts even more....

I would get the black spots thing checked though if I were you - could be a sign of blood pressure problems :hug:

Jane x
I've been worrying about the exact same thing. My baby is constantly on the move, lots of squirming and kicks. I was thinking about asking the midwife but I thought she might think I was neurotic. I just keep telling myself its a good sign, it means he's getting big & strong. It is painful too & my whole stomach moves, today my brother could see him moving from across the room. My whole belly was changing shape & bits were poking out & shuddering.

I don't have any spots or dizzyness, I would def speak to your MW about that.
Hey babe...firstly Merry Xmas, hope you hubby and james had a good one xx
I got the black spots vision thingy when my bp was mega high, visual disturbances alongside all the other thingies can sometimes signify PE, keep an eye on it hun and book an earlier appt if you're worried :hug: :hug: :hug:
kmac said:
I keep the Gaviscon by the bed, and just swig it out of the bottle. Classy!

I have Gaviscon and Rennie tablets distributed throughout the house so I'm never too far from any - by my bed, in my handbag, on the coffee table next to the sofa, in the tea towel drawer in the kitchen, in my coat pocket etc etc.

Visual disturbances can be an idication of blood pressure changes - I have low BP and when it drops my vision goes all funny and I can feel myself going woozy. Definitely need to get it checked out (although they aren't too bothered if your BP is very low it seems - I just got told to eat more salt!)

Baby can sometimes be mega active for a couple of days (where it blimming hurts with all her movements) and then other times I have to poke her and drink cold fizzy drinks just to get her to move a bit. If anything ever feels wrong to you though contact your midwife. I was just told to ring the delivery suite if I was ever worried and they'll give me a once over and monitor baby for a while - they won't mind if you go on and everything is all okay, they'd much rather that then you sit at home worrying. :hug:
Lola-Mae didnt ever stop moving!! She moved about a million times a day! She was hurt me lots and lots too! I was woried she was going ot be hyperactive too lol but she sleeps all the time!? Wore herself out in my tum i think! She was awake about 20 hours a day in my tum lol! Either that or she moved as much in her sleep as she did awake heehee
I will say though and I dont know if its related or not but could be, that she is very very strong! While in the hopsital and she was half a day old here, I was trying to get wind up and she was holding her head up on her own! From day one I havent had to really worry about making sure her head was held etc (though I did lol) put her to my shoulder and she would just lift up and look about! I think it may be because she exercised sooooooo much before birth lmao! :lol:
reallyoldmum said:
Jen I suspect that you are just able to feel it more with your second - I was convinced that my stomach muscles werent as good with Josh and thats why it actually hurt when he kicked me..... This one hurts even more....

I would get the black spots thing checked though if I were you - could be a sign of blood pressure problems :hug:

Jane x

i agree with this.. but will also add.. stop eatting mince pies and sweets lol :D xxxx love you
lisa&alex said:
reallyoldmum said:
Jen I suspect that you are just able to feel it more with your second - I was convinced that my stomach muscles werent as good with Josh and thats why it actually hurt when he kicked me..... This one hurts even more....

I would get the black spots thing checked though if I were you - could be a sign of blood pressure problems :hug:

Jane x

i agree with this.. but will also add.. stop eatting mince pies and sweets lol :D xxxx love you

Bloody hell Lis they are the only christmas pleasures I have left!! :lol: Seriously though i have been quite good....not amazing mind you but we havent got any choccie in this year or anything and I have only had 1 mince pie on christmas day thus far....

Im seeing the midwife new years eve so will fill her in on the black spots then but touch wood I have felt ok this past 24 hours, although bubs is still a little live wire!

Thanks for alll the advice ladies :hug: :hug:

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