Too little to push?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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My mum and i are both little (5'1") and she had both her children by c-section as she was told that she was to small for a natural birth. I asked my midwife about this at my first appointment but she said that i should be fine as though i am small have a 'womanly shape'. But my mum is convinced I'll need a section, I guess just because thats what she was told. Have things changed? Maybe i will end up having a section and i'm not too scared by that as my mum was fine but the midwife really dismissed this issue without hearing my concerns. Just wondering if anyone else had heard of people having c-sections for this reason or if my size won't be an issue.
My mum is 5ft and was told she would never deliver me - she did - all by herself with no assistance! Women make babies their bodys are able to deliver most of the time.

Kim x x x x x
im only just 5ft hun
and i managed to give birth to Thomas just fine without any help :)
how tall you are doesnt come into it :hug:
meandthebump said:
My mum and i are both little (5'1") and she had both her children by c-section as she was told that she was to small for a natural birth. I asked my midwife about this at my first appointment but she said that i should be fine as though i am small have a 'womanly shape'. But my mum is convinced I'll need a section, I guess just because thats what she was told. Have things changed? Maybe i will end up having a section and i'm not too scared by that as my mum was fine but the midwife really dismissed this issue without hearing my concerns. Just wondering if anyone else had heard of people having c-sections for this reason or if my size won't be an issue.

i've been worrying about this and i'm not even pregnant yet.

my mum had a bad labour with me and was told she was too small to deliver me and i was born by c-section.
she was having trouble with my brother and had a c-section with him too, didn't let her go as far as with me though as they knew about previous problems.
and my sister was a planned c-section because of all the previous problems.

my aunt was the same with her 2.

my nan however delivered all of her children no problems.

it's had me thinking.
i dnt think size would matter. my sister is 5,1 and she had 2 natural births she had a lil help with the first one tho with forceps, the 2nd one was 10 mins tops. im only 5,4 and i was fine too. if your strong enuff u should be fine.
I am 5ft 1 and had a 9lb 8 baby, i wouldnt worry :hug:
Im 5 foot and had a 9lb 10oz baby, long labour and forceps delivery but he came out!
Im 5ft 2" and had both my other 2 naturaly. You should be fine hun. :hug:
Wow dont we have a bunch of shorties on here :lol: I'm only 5ft and gave birth naturally :hug:
Another littlie here. :)

What's a bigger factor is pelvis size, but that can be deceptive.

I know a girl who's a good 5' 7" and very (ahem) 'sturdy' but she had a tiny pelvis inside and needed a C-section.

5' 1" certainly isn't remarkably small, I'm sure you'd be fine.
Utter rot!!!

I'm 5'1" and gave birth to Connie (who was 8lb 9oz!) naturally in just 5 hours! Also my Grandmother was 4'10" and had 16 children all naturally.
I don't think height is an indication really as I'm 5'1 and had (emergency) sections for both my children and my consultant said that basically she thinks I probably have a small pelvis. However my mum is also 5'1 and she had 3 children naturally and my Granny is shorter than that and she delivered 8 babies naturally.
Thanks for all your encouraging replies. Glad to know I'm not the only shortie on here and that it shouldn't matter too much. :)
debecca said:
Utter rot!!!

I'm 5'1" and gave birth to Connie (who was 8lb 9oz!) naturally in just 5 hours! Also my Grandmother was 4'10" and had 16 children all naturally.

16 children!!!!! :eek: Now she must have liked babies!!!!!!
just hopped in from tri 1, my mum is 5t and delivered 3 of us no trouble, goo luck hun :hug:
im 5ft 2" and ive had naturally deliveries with both of mine, my longest labour was 12 hours but i think that was cuz i had an epidural(convinced it slowed things down).

i agree with the pelvis theory, its weather uve got a big one or a little one that decides if you can get the baby out

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