Too easily amused!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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i am So easy to please atm!! I think Tally must be filling me with happy hormones cos i LOVE life atm!!

I've just had it confirmed i will definately be paid maternity leave (simple thing but they wearnt sure if i was entitle) without knowing it i've managed to get the best outta it, i only just worked there long enough to get pay, and only just worked enough hours to get it, because of this however i get 39 weeks at 90% of my pay rather then the £112 a week cos i dont earn £112 a week. So YAY to that :cheer: :cheer: as i dont pay rent i dont need more then i'll be getting anyway!

I'm collecting my 2 FREE baby baths 2night!! Last thing i need for Tally.

It's my birthday Sat and Dave is taking me to Bath spa friday to celebrate, plus my parents paid £89 yest for me to have my hair dyed back to a natural colour and cut, i feel like a princess lol.

I'll be finished uni totally after next monday, and i'm not stressed abotu exams, i dont care if i pass of fail tbh, if i fail i have reasons and i'll pick myself up and try again.

I'm SO broody, i cant wait to meet my baby, but i'm not in a rush for her yet, my back doesnt hurt much, she generally sleeps at night (if i dont feed her coke) and im not uncomfortable as such.

I just feel so happy and i love it!!! I'm not even stressing about tearing in labour or anything atm, i guess i've finally learnt that its only her that matters lol

I cant help notice my new found euphoria has coincidently appeared since i told baby daddy where to go, but who cares for once i am totally content in life :dance: :dance: and trust me i'm usually i right moaner!!
It's fantastic that you feel so positive :hug: Long may it continue
Awww, that's great, you've made me feel all positive and excited now too :D

:hug: :hug:
Happy to hear your happy and your happiness has made me smile to :cheer:
CHEERS TO HAPPINESS :dance: :dance:
awww thats great that you are so happy and with your spa and haircut you will be well and truely pampered for your birthday - enjoy :dance:
:cheer: to feeling great!! Difficult in pregnancy, especially the last weeks.

Hope you have a great birthday too!!!!
congrats on getting your maternity pay hun! :cheer: im still waiting to hear if im entitled.

so glad your feeling positive, its far to easy to get stuck in a rut and feeling down. can you send some of that feeling this way! :D xxx
Wow 90% for 39 weeks is brilliant maternity pay, well done you for sorting it out.

Sounds like everything is going really well for you, hope you have a fantastic birthday on Saturday.

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