I know we get loads of these everynow and then but i feel the need to do my own lol
I'm starting to put together mine and Tally's bags for hospital but i want to take the bare minimum, we only live 10/15 mins from the hospital and there are lots of people around who can get things if we need them, so i'm planning my bag to have Tally then leave asap.
So anyway i have a list but i wanna make sure i have everything on it and if theres anything on i dont need i dont wanna be taking it. So... here it is so far...
Dressing gown (not too sure about this as end of june/beginning of july is going to be quite warm)
PJ's (front opening top)
Toiletries (shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, make-up for leaving lol cleanser etc)
Watch with second hand
Hair bands
Tens Machine
Phone/Camera for when shes here
Phone numbers
Breast feeding bra
Brest pads
Sanitary towels
Dark coloured towel
Going home clothes for me
Blanket (for Tally)
A couple of nappies (i think i have 3)
2 Body suits (will this be enough if i get a quick discharge?)
Sleep suit
Small Sample pack of baby wipes
Booties/Scratch mits (one pair of each)
Outfit for home
Also on the list but not sure why are....
Baby lotion
Cotton wool
Anything i've missed or things i dont need that hospital will provide etc?? I'm only planning on taking a small holdal for me and changing bag for tally.
I'm starting to put together mine and Tally's bags for hospital but i want to take the bare minimum, we only live 10/15 mins from the hospital and there are lots of people around who can get things if we need them, so i'm planning my bag to have Tally then leave asap.
So anyway i have a list but i wanna make sure i have everything on it and if theres anything on i dont need i dont wanna be taking it. So... here it is so far...
Dressing gown (not too sure about this as end of june/beginning of july is going to be quite warm)
PJ's (front opening top)
Toiletries (shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, make-up for leaving lol cleanser etc)
Watch with second hand
Hair bands
Tens Machine
Phone/Camera for when shes here
Phone numbers
Breast feeding bra
Brest pads
Sanitary towels
Dark coloured towel
Going home clothes for me
Blanket (for Tally)
A couple of nappies (i think i have 3)
2 Body suits (will this be enough if i get a quick discharge?)
Sleep suit
Small Sample pack of baby wipes
Booties/Scratch mits (one pair of each)
Outfit for home
Also on the list but not sure why are....
Baby lotion
Cotton wool
Anything i've missed or things i dont need that hospital will provide etc?? I'm only planning on taking a small holdal for me and changing bag for tally.