tonight.. (another in law rant)


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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it is OH's little sisters confirmation tonight.

i don't know if any of you will remember a post i posted ages ago about how i don't get on with his parents we had a big falling out in october last year and i've spoken to his mum since, but i actually can't look his dad in the eye because he makes me so angry :wall:

basically we had to stay with them for a few weeks while we were in between houses, his dad drinks a lot and i got into an arguement with him because he attacked OH's mum. he then hit me and it all blew up :(

OH's sister is 11, i told you all in the last post that at new year they gave her alcohol and she ended up verrry drunk and vomitting everywhere.. when OH's mum told me, i said - what did you do??! she said - we couldn't stop laughing :evil:

anyways! hopefully that refreshes some of your memories..

i wasn't going to go to the confirmation tonight, but i have decided to go, for our babies sake. i don't want to be the one who keeps him away from his grandparents, (they have made no effort to visit us during this pregnancy..) and i doubt they will visit us much when aiden gets here. so i will go, and be the bigger person. it will probably kill me tonight, will be sooo awkward as well :( luckily OH's brothers g/f will be there, and we are good friends, so that will keep me sane :)

just wanted to write this all down and that someone can reassure me that i'm doing the right thing here. i'm dreading the babies christining, that will be the first time our families will meet :? and i don't think it will be very pleasent if his mum/dad ends up drunk.. my mum will have a word or two to say :roll: also dreading if they ever ask to take aiden out or anything, i really can't trust them what so ever :(

what a rubbish situation..

sarah xxx
I personally don't think I'd go. I'd be worried that they FIL might get drunk and hit out at you again.
I would tell your OH how you feel before hand and make it clear that if the inlaws start causing trouble he's to take you home immeiately.
At least by going no one can say you haven't made an effort, or that you're causing trouble by keeping them away from their grandchild.
I definately would not let them have my baby unsupervised though when it's born, they sound like the family from hell!

Good luck hun, I hope the evening goes ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What a horrible situation but good on you for going tonight.

If your mum has something to say to family in law at your baby's christening then so be it - it's your new family's day and they should be told if they start acting up because of drink.

You're obviously a very strong person to put up with them... and I thought my in laws were bad. Really puts it in perspective! :hug: :hug:
aww thanks girlies :hug:

i'm sure it will be fine tonight, if anything does start then we will leave. luckily OH's dad is NOT his real dad, so he isn't anything like him at all :pray:

i've already said to my mum about the christining, she has said that she will keep the peace as long as they don't start any rubbish, which i don't blame her for really.

mm - i know what you mean about when lo is born. i really don't think they will make the effort to come and see him though, and i defo don't want OH taking him over to their house by himself, so i will need to go :roll:
OH's mum just phoned - it's not at half 7, it's at 6 :doh:

why have they not checked this last week or something :wall:
I'm with Monster Munch. You sound like a lovely person to want to build bridges, personally being hit (whilst you were pregnant or not) is inexcusable and I would have nothing to do with them again.

I hope you are ok tonight, you are a better person than me! :hug:
your definitely being the better person here, i dont think i could go and mix with his family after being hit :x So fair play to you :hug:

Hope it all goes ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi ladies, the evening went not bad.

i didn't speak to his dad at all which was fine, just felt so uncomfortable in their house. he of course couldn't help himself - saw him going out to the shop across the road for booze :roll:

OH's little sister is a nightmare child, she is so badly behaved and cheeky :? thank god i don't need to see them often :pray:

thanks for all your advice again ladies :hug:

sarafet said:
hi ladies, the evening went not bad.

i didn't speak to his dad at all which was fine, just felt so uncomfortable in their house. he of course couldn't help himself - saw him going out to the shop across the road for booze :roll:

OH's little sister is a nightmare child, she is so badly behaved and cheeky :? thank god i don't need to see them often :pray:

thanks for all your advice again ladies :hug:


Sounds like a laugh and a half! Ah well, you managed to get through it :hug: Hope you dont have anymore dodgy family occasions lined up anytime soon xxx
Hiya, sorry I'm late on getting to this thread :oops:

Glad to hear things went ok tonight anyways.

My thought about your babys christening is to make it an alcohol free event maybe? If its at your house afterwards, you can simply opt for no booze. Don't see the need for it if its mid morning for example? Get an early Christening and hopefully it'll be too early to really hit the booze. Maybe a few bottles of champage and some fresh OJ to toast the baby, but thats it. Then turf em all out and go have lunch somewhere nice with your folks?
Sherlock said:
Hiya, sorry I'm late on getting to this thread :oops:

Glad to hear things went ok tonight anyways.

My thought about your babys christening is to make it an alcohol free event maybe? If its at your house afterwards, you can simply opt for no booze. Don't see the need for it if its mid morning for example? Get an early Christening and hopefully it'll be too early to really hit the booze. Maybe a few bottles of champage and some fresh OJ to toast the baby, but thats it. Then turf em all out and go have lunch somewhere nice with your folks?

thats a great idea sherry, only problem is, there will probably be about 60ish people there so we were planning on having it in a function room which will more than likely have a bar :wall: i'll have a look around though, i like the idea of turfing them out and going somewhere nice later :rotfl:
sarafet said:
thats a great idea sherry, only problem is, there will probably be about 60ish people there so we were planning on having it in a function room which will more than likely have a bar :wall: i'll have a look around though, i like the idea of turfing them out and going somewhere nice later :rotfl:

I'd still look to as early a time as you can book for, then arrange a small do wherever (function room) but stick to champers adn OJ and maybe some brunch nibbles :lol:

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