told to give fromage frais... help, mega confused!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I was told by the doc today that I should give Fi some fromage frais/yoghurt of some sort because she needs extra calcium (because of the soya milk??) i'm a bit confused as a) yogurt has lactose in (though she may well be over her intolerance now) and b) what sort shall I give and when?

we bought 4 of the rachel's organic ones but they are stupidly expensive.
We were also told to give her baby rice as it's important to get her onto solids quicker because of the soya??? I should have asked why! She has had baby rice 3 days in a row and tbh she LOVES it and always wants more!

any advice on what to give, when the give it and the best types????
i want to do the best by her but i don't know what to do!!!
if she is just lactose intorrelent and not illergic to cows milk protien then you can get lactose free yougarts by the same company who make the lactose free milk the one with the cow on the front,
the way to tell if she is over her allergy is make a soya bottle as normal but 1oz less then that missing oz make up with cows milk (thomas' dietian told me to do this once he hits 1 year and then 2 to check his allergy)

i think they like you to up the food quicker is because soya milk isnt as nutrisionaly as good as other forumulas also you dont get a follow-on variety its just the soya milk
hope that helps hun
yep sure hun although i was in asda and i couldnt find any plain soya yougarts they all had bits of fruit in it :( could of just been my rubbish asda though let me know if you find any :hug:
Suzie and Faith said:
:hug: :hug: thanks :)
could i buy soya yoghurt and puree my own fruit to add with it?

That's what did, but with fromage frais. She didn't like it but i tried it anyway. I buy Asda cheapie of everything. She'll not know.
Suzie and Faith said:
:hug: :hug: thanks :)
could i buy soya yoghurt and puree my own fruit to add with it?

excellent idea! i get muller little stars or petit filous
:hug: :hug:
thanks guys! i saw some soya plain yoghurt in the supermarket within walking distance so i'll get some of that and add my own fruit!

i'll keep her on just baby rice for another week or so :)
Check your soya milk... its probably got added calcium in it especially if its a formula one.

Tia was lactose intolerant and well there was no way I could give her a yogurt or petit filiou...she would be violently ill... And she didn't grow out of her intolerance until she was 5 years old.

Try a spoonful first...and if your LO is fine over the next few days introduce it.. if not.. then don't bother.
Squiglet said:
Check your soya milk... its probably got added calcium in it especially if its a formula one.

Tia was lactose intolerant and well there was no way I could give her a yogurt or petit filiou...she would be violently ill... And she didn't grow out of her intolerance until she was 5 years old.

Try a spoonful first...and if your LO is fine over the next few days introduce it.. if not.. then don't bother.

yeh i was only planning on trying a tiny amount of normal yoghurt stuff.

The soya milk is supposed to have all the nutrients she needs but the doc says that it doesn't really and that she needs other stuff - which confused me a bit!

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