Told the inlaws

:rotfl: I love it!

Awwww kina, you looked great at the meet.
i was expecting you to be dead loud and centre of attetion but you were quiet. i think alot of people were shy, im not to shy i just dont speak unless im spoken to.... grrrr i hate being like it but i am stuborn but once some one chats to me i dont shut up.
i no beanie is shy as she told me before but i think she done great seems she was nervous about it all

you did look shattered though kina. it is hard being preg with a little child though especially the first weeks when all you want to do is wear big pjs and sleep :)
dionne said:
Awwww kina, you looked great at the meet.
i was expecting you to be dead loud and centre of attetion but you were quiet. i think alot of people were shy, im not to shy i just dont speak unless im spoken to.... grrrr i hate being like it but i am stuborn but once some one chats to me i dont shut up.
i no beanie is shy as she told me before but i think she done great seems she was nervous about it all

you did look shattered though kina. it is hard being preg with a little child though especially the first weeks when all you want to do is wear big pjs and sleep :)

I'm actually mouthy on the forum but what I was like at the meet is what I am like in real life. I'd never dream of telling people some of the things I do on here and it's the only chance I ever get of voicing my opinion. Unfortunately sometimes I get really frustrated at holding everything in and sometimes that affects my posts which is why I am a bit of a bitch in certain topics and I'm gradually learning that I need to be as controlled on here as I am in real life if that makes sense? I guess seeing people at the meet made me realise that it's just like a big mother and baby group on here :lol: and that you people really do exist!

I was absolutely shattered though at the meet. Felt like total crap! Really embarassed aswell incase people thought I was being ignorant but I really just wanted to crawl into a corner and go to sleep. I hadn't eaten properly since I woke up which is why DH bought me a minging bacon sarnie (that just tasted of cheap marg :puke: ) but it didn't really make me feel much better. I was swigging ribena in the hope the sugar would wake me up :lol:

BTW do you think I sound Devonshire? I was chatting to DH about that when we were watching Pramface, I couldn't imagine myself sounding as Devonshire as those girls but DH said we do!
BTW do you think I sound Devonshire? I was chatting to DH about that when we were watching Pramface, I couldn't imagine myself sounding as Devonshire as those girls but DH said we do

hummmmm???? i didnt really noticed you sound posh though :lol:
no really had a strong acent apart from rach and manda they remind me of imogin from big brother.

i no what you mean about being able to say things on here that you wouldnt really say :lol: im like it to sometimes :roll:

but you came and spoke to me first :D glad you did else i porb wouldnt of spoke :roll:
glad i didnt come now as i would have been told off for being loud,I am over-confident! In a nice way of course! :wink:

I could go into a party of strangers and come out knowing everyones life story,dont know why but people tell me EVERYTHING,lol.

I went to Euro-disney on my own with my DD June and me and her were making the coach sing sings within an hour of getting on it was a great laugh,but I'm not pushy do respect when people want some quiet time.

As for accents i sound suffolk but with plums in her mouth so to speak,some people say I speak posh and if we go to posh hotes in London like the hilton my husband will say "wot ya speakin all posh forrrr" in his London Grant Mitchell voice,ha ha.
My DD has got a lovely accent very nicely spoken,like Yes,May I, and pleased to meet you she sounds lovely.

Right enough of me for now i am sure I have bored you senseless already.

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