Told It's A Big Baby!?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
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I was at the MW on the 19th of December for my routine 24week check up, she measured my bump and went "ohhh that's a big baby" :? & never really said anything else about it...!

I have a scan on the 14th of January (i'll be 28 weeks), scan is because there is a history of Heart Problems within my family - will they be able to tell if i'm having a big baby then?!
yeah they will be able to hun, if ya wana ask them :hug:
Things may even out though - they go through growth spurts every now and again. The growth charts are based on average babies gaining an average amount every week. The majority of babies just don't do that and will have a huge growth spurt and then not do a great deal for the couple of weeks after. It all evens itself out in the end.

I was told I was expecting a whopper at 28 weeks (I had a private scan) and was measuring bigger than I was but everything has evened out since then and MW is now predicting about 7lb (if she decides to turn up!) at due date and I'm measuring spot on for fundal height.

A lot of people seem to say bigger babies are easier to give birth to at any rate so I'm sure you will be fine. :hug:
I had a scan around 26week mark (to check fluid levels) and was blabbing onto the sonographer about people saying I looked huge etc and must be a "big baby" and she said the size looked fine and normal!

Did you measure big at your appointment? Despite people telling me I'm "huge" the most I've measured is a week (1cm) ahead :)
Our EDD is totally down to the sizes we got at my 14 week scan as OH & i werent trying for a baby & i have very irregular periods.....
lisaspoon said:
Despite people telling me I'm "huge" the most I've measured is a week (1cm) ahead :)

These helpful people are rubbish though.

People kept telling me I was huge (although on the same day I got a huge comment a bloke I worked with said he hadn't known I was pregnant! :roll: ) and now everyone says I don't look like I'm 9 months pregnant (despite measuring 40 weeks exactly!)

People should keep their 'helpful' comments to themselves! :talkhand:
Sandie said:
Our EDD is totally down to the sizes we got at my 14 week scan as OH & i werent trying for a baby & i have very irregular periods.....

It is the NHS standard to go by this (even if you insist you know your dates and think a different date).

I was on the pill when we fell pregnant and had had a very busy previous month (little sister in hospital for 3 weeks 100 miles away, mum having baby etc) so I didn't have a clue what my dates were - I couldn't even remember having a period when the doctor asked! :oops:
on my daughter i was told the baby was small so had an extra scan, this showed baby was measuring fine just packed in nicely lol.
On the other hand my sister (we were a week apart) was massive but the baby was of normal weight they sed that she was carrying a lot of water.
Julie84 said:
lisaspoon said:
Despite people telling me I'm "huge" the most I've measured is a week (1cm) ahead :)

These helpful people are rubbish though.

People kept telling me I was huge (although on the same day I got a huge comment a bloke I worked with said he hadn't known I was pregnant! :roll: ) and now everyone says I don't look like I'm 9 months pregnant (despite measuring 40 weeks exactly!)

People should keep their 'helpful' comments to themselves! :talkhand:

I totally agree! I actually feel smaller at 35 weeks that what I thought I would have been (if that makes sense!!) Think my height hides it a lot...

Although my EDD is 1st Feb (as from scan at 12wks) I still think its going to be a January baby and I'm about a week ahead of what they say.....
Thanks guys.

My sis-in-law is due 2 days after me & i'm much bigger than her !
at my 10 Wk mid wife appointment she told me 'wow thats going to be a massive baby if they dont change your dates' because she found a very loud heartbeat, which is apparently unusul that early on. but nothing was said at either of my scans :? so im wondering if i was worrying bout nothing and LO was just lying in a good position at 10wks

good luck with the scan :hug:
Don't worry!!

I was huge with the last one, went in for my sweep and asked the mid-wife if she thought he'd be big, she said no-I was all water, he'd be about 8LBs.

One normal (with drugs... :) ) birth later and I had a 10lbs 3/5 oz baby....and it was fine!!

The midwives were honestly very surprised!

If you have a big baby, I'm sure all will be fine - your body tends to know best (with the odd exeception) and will deliver the baby when its a healthy and 'do-able' size!!

I've nothing to compare my labour with as yet but it was painful but not enough to put me off!!

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