Toddler milk/growing up milk


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Probably a silly question but any mums with one year olds, did u put your babies on growing up milk as soon as they were one? And does anyone know if I should do this at one even though my one year old was premature? Also should he be having it in a beaker now instead of bottle? And how much should he be having a day?? Sorry for zillions of questions! Thanks in advance x
I thought (I'm not there yet So could be wrong) that a baby goes onto cows milk at 1 and follow on milk is a gimmick to get you to buy more formula?

I was going to put Owen into growing up milk , but we are going to turkey a week after he is one so wanted to wait till we r home before switching . My mum said to me today he should be having some kind of beaker for milk now but I'd like to know this too x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
My hv told me that growing up milk is a waste of money and to give them whole milk also she suggested I cut out his bottles and only use beakers at same time but lo will not drink milk from a beaker he will happily not have it if I dont offer bottle. He will drink water from a beaker tho. Its worth a try if lo wont take it try again later on.

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I thought (I'm not there yet So could be wrong) that a baby goes onto cows milk at 1 and follow on milk is a gimmick to get you to buy more formula?

I agree. I don't know anyone that's actually used growing up milk. Most have gone straight to cows milk at 1.

I also wouldn't stress too much about moving from bottle to beaker. A lot of babies associate milk with a bottle and refuse to drink it from a beaker, even if they happily drink water from a beaker.

Eventually they'll drop milk feeds anyway, and therefore drop the bottle.
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Oh and sorry I cant help with premmie but I always offered milk between meals and at bed time they will only take what they want, to start with it will be same as formula now but will drop, we are now 15 month and have two bottles a day 6oz a time.

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We never used toddler milk & switched to a beaker just before one but only because she was happy too x
We used toddler milk.
AJ was and still is a poor eater so it put my mind at rest that he was getting that extra that cows milk couldnt give him.
He still has full fat milk, even though he's old enough to have semi skimmed for the same reason.

We started the switch from bottle to beaker slowly by putting his morning milk in the beaker, once he was drinking his morning milk from it we switched the night time bottle too. It took a long while though. x
Thanks guys. I know what everyone says about it being a money making thing but it works out cheaper than buying loads of cows milk, so I have no problem with that and it has more nutrients and sol is not a great eater either so was thinking more from a vitamin point etc, he does have cows milk on his cereal and as a mid afternoon drink, thought I would do a bit of both?!?
I will but the stage 3 milk. I will use whole cows milk in Los food.
Changing on whole cows milk completely at 2 years old.
Thanks guys. I know what everyone says about it being a money making thing but it works out cheaper than buying loads of cows milk, so I have no problem with that and it has more nutrients and sol is not a great eater either so was thinking more from a vitamin point etc, he does have cows milk on his cereal and as a mid afternoon drink, thought I would do a bit of both?!?

Thats what we did :)
I guess its what works for you and your LO.
Sounds like a good plan hope, will do the same x
Hey chick,
My Lo was prem as well. The plan was to use toddler milk until he reached his corrected age of one year and then move on to cows milk. However he hated the taste of the toddler milk. We perservered for a week, but he just didn't take it. So moved to cows milk, and he loves it. He still has a bottle (which doesn't bother me). He has one in the morning around 7oz and one at bedtime 10oz. And water from a beaker during the day xxxxx
My lo was prem too and we just switched to cows milk at one year and she is fine with it. Still using bottles (I was told to try and wean off bottles by 18m but tbh it's part of her bedtime routine and I will carry on for longer of necessary). She has recently reduced what she's having. Usually around 4-5oz in the morning and around 6oz at bedtime, was drinking around 8-9oz in each bottle a couple of weeks ago but seems to be eating more now so maybe that's why. Think I was told around 12oz per day at one year old and you can include milk in food x


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