Today's the day (carpet oriented!) *UPDATE*

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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:dance: My carpets are being laid today!! I'm so excited I could barely sleep lol and I was up at the crack of dawn!

I don't know what I'm more excited about, them arriving to lay them or OH finishing work and bringing the furniture in :lol:

Then I can hoover!! God, I've never been so excited about hoovering, ever! I have a new hoover, well, it's over a year old, and I've never used it!! I shall hoover everywhere lol

Then I shall have a long bath, wander around barefoot (Never been able to do that before having quarry tile and slate flooring) and probably sit on the floor.....well....carpet!!) Woohoooooo

But then I have 2 new sofas to finish the look...maybe I should sit on those :?

Oooh, ooooh, oooh!! *Jumps up and down*

I also have a new TV cabinet, stereo cabinet and wall unit outside waiting to finish the lounge off too....and a free standing shelving unit for the nook in the hallway.....

I must go now and clean the hoover ready-can't use a dusty hoover on my new carpets :rotfl:
Enjoy hoovering!! But take it easy, dont over do it!! Dont blame you for being excited, I'd be just like that too!! In fact, I feel a cleaning urge coming on!! Dont forget to take some pictures of all your hard work & enjoy being barefooted!!
:lol: I want to see pics when it's done!

Take before and after photo's for us! xx
:clap: :dance: :cheer: :rotfl:

We are poles apart, I could have kissed my MW when she said not to hoover as I am in pain and it will make it worse!!

Enjoy your furniture carpet and side units!!
And sofas Aramintalovegrove lol don't forget the new sofas!!

I have two cream leather ones at the moment and I hate them, with a passion lol They're impractical, uncomfortable and too big, take up too much room imo, so I've given them to my SIL and have 2 navy lightly patterned (like scripture writing but embroidered in the same colour as the fabric so v.subtle) 2 seater sofas ready to come in.

Corrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm sooooooooo excited!!
:dance: I have a lounge!! :dance:

With my all my furniture!! I've spent the afternoon cleaning and polishing it as it seemed grubby after being in storage, though apparantly it wasn't...

I also have a carpeted hallway, stairs, landing, bedroom and my mum turned up and polished and dusted and cleaned windows and hoovered and even did the skirting boards that have been annoying me but I've not managed to stay crouched long enough to clean :lol:

Oh I feel soooooooooooo much better, like a huge weight's been lifted. I'm not dreading baby coming home now. We only finished about an hour ago, celebrated with a take away and whilst waiting for it to arrive I had a bath and am all wrapped up in my fluffy fleece dressing gown.

Now I'm off to sit on my new sofa and watch the rest of two and a half men with my big mug of tea, then I'd better try and find out where my make up bag ended up....'in the cupboard somewhere' seems a little too random to me, especially since I have a MW appointment in the morning and have to go out in public.


I have a home!!!!Not a house, not a building site, but a home, all ready for baby Sydney when she arrives!

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