Todays midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Had my first appointment this morning. Midwife is the one i was dreading having but actually she seemed ok. She did refuse me the early scan tho that the consultant said i needed - so a bit miffed about that!! However i guess it makes waiting until 12 weeks a little bit more exciting!! Fingers crossed we get there :-)

She also did some blood tests and she said that because i was on clomid i had to do a urine sample. She didnt say why tho!!

When we first sat down she said right having a baby is all about the paperwork - my god there is flipping loads of it!! We are also being sent out £100 worth off argos vouchers to buy baby stuff with :-) Very exciting!

My next appointment is hopfully going to be on the 1st August where we have to decide if we want the Downs Syndrome test - has anybody had this done? And she'll also finish off the paperwork and give me my precnancy folder eeeek!!!

So casting aside the fact she refused my early scan (grr) it was actually a pretty good appointment!!

Did she explain why she wouldn't send you for a scan if your consultant said otherwise? Glad it went well apart from that x
Glad it went well for you, shame she wouldn't do the early scan though. Wish my MW would send us Argos vouchers! Haha. Xxx
She just said that its not beneficial and you dont get to see much! And even if we did have an early scan and saw a heartbeat we still have the miscarriage risk after up to 12 weeks.

I still can't believe how much paperwork there is!! xx
The early scan on clomid is also to see how many babies your carrying and to rule out ectopics!
Ask again hun.

If not then I would advise a private early scan at 7 weeks.
I am going to try and phone my gp tomorrow but i have a reallys busy day at work then a bank appointment. So it may have to be wednesday - which is my day off!! x
I would def chase up about the early scan and if not then as someone else says have a private one!

I think your MW was a bit wrong to say that stuff about m/c to you :shock:

As for the DS tests, the preliminary stage it is just screening so they take some blood from you and some measurements from baby and they tell you what risk catergory you fall into.

If you were to fall into a high risk catergory then you are offered the option of diagnostic tests which you don't have to accept.

I had the screening as it is non invasive but I needed to know what my risk was (I am 32 and have a cousin with DS) luckily I was low risk and that was reassuring to know.

Yeah i was abit shocked when she mentioned the m/c. I'm going to ring my gp but i hate the fact that i'll be going behind her back - dont like making things awkward! lol!

Think OH is keen to do the DS screening but i'm not so sure. Are there any factors that put you at a higher risk? xx
Yeah i was abit shocked when she mentioned the m/c. I'm going to ring my gp but i hate the fact that i'll be going behind her back - dont like making things awkward! lol!

Think OH is keen to do the DS screening but i'm not so sure. Are there any factors that put you at a higher risk? xx

You're at a higher risk of having a baby with Down's if you're over 35 and/or have a history of it in yours or your partner's family.
Personally, I would take the initial test as it's just an extra measurement on you 12 week scan and a blood test - so there's no risk. If from these tests they think you're at high risk, you're then offered a test on the amniotic fluid which carries a risk of miscarriage.
It's a personal choice though, and there's no right or wrong answer. Nothing can prepare you for having a child with any kind of disability but I'd rather know early on if there's a high chance so I can do as much research as possible.
I'd push for the scan hun, especially as you're on clomid.

I've opted for the DS testing at the 12 week scan. Only really because it makes your scan a bit longer.

It's just an extra measurement they need to take of the back of baby's neck and you have a blood test too.

If it comes back that you have a high chance of the baby having Downs then you can have some more tests which are quite scary and invasive. So I won't be having those. But at least you can prepare and research a bit more if there is a chance.

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