

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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What are peoples plans for today??????

i was hoping it was going to be alright today but the weather is crappy here :(
so meh.

but i am seeing my friend today before he goes away to reading for 4 days, bless him.
but it means getting dressed and going into town, and i have the startes of a migrane :(

you all must have more interesting plans?
i dnt wanna go but im going to pick up a camera i gave in on mon its gonna have pics of riley when she was born :(
Im not doing anything, just keeping the kids entertained.

Probably have to go out later to buy summit to make for tea cos we havent been shopping yet and theres nothing in to eat :lol:
Becksss said:
i dnt wanna go but im going to pick up a camera i gave in on mon its gonna have pics of riley when she was born :(

Becks, do you have shares in asda?

its like you live there.
well who wouldnt wen its massssssssssssssive sells everything and a 5 min walk
going to my bros after lunch to drop a card in for my nephew, other than that working :(
Nothing planned for day, juts at work

But once i get home i am havin a cooking show tongiht & 7.45pm
& i cant wait i have intived about 20ish women to come over drink, eat & chat shouldbe fun.

:hug: :cheer: :dance:
going to a big baby shop to look at a new buggy for Louie!!!!! & maybe a 2nd stage car seat.

not that i've got any money though :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've been up since 6.30, I've cleaned my livingroom and kitchen. Washed some nappies and then some sheets.
Been food shopping.

Now im doing nowt for a bit and then im taking Thea doing into the city for a stroll along the Danube.
going into town for a while with my OH but i have to get up first :lol:
im working till 5, then going to see my mum, shes not very well and she hasnt been answering her phone so im worried about her. :pray:
Then im going home to make chicken fried rice :cheer:
Fiona (sunshinestars!) and Bailey are comingto visit me and Brody! :cheer:

Pity it's a crap day it looks like we are gonna be stuck in! :(
going to my mothers to fit an ethernet socket into her pc so she can run the internet of it.
other then that sod all really hubbys done all the housework for me bless him so will prob just play my xbox 360
manda x
jools221181 said:
Fiona (sunshinestars!) and Bailey are comingto visit me and Brody! :cheer:

Pity it's a crap day it looks like we are gonna be stuck in! :(


hope it picks up so we can get some bfp done!

see you in a couple of hours!!!
well i had to wiat for the gas man he has been and gone got to pop to the shops to get some milk as mum is comming up later and i have no milk she loves her tea :puke: :puke: other than that nowt. :bored:
popping to the post office to post a couple things, and taking back a top I bought that's size 10 (what was I thinking) to exchange it for something bigger.

and that's pretty much all my legs can take :(
The weather is BEAUTIFUL here! I've been over to Torquay to Mothercare & Marks and Spencers and had a bit of a splurge...bought.

in M'care...

a lovely comfy pair of maternity jeans that stay up because they've got the big belly panel.
12 muslin squares
nipple shields
breast pads
3 flannels

in M&S

2 x ... &rh=&page= (one for me and one for my cousins baby when it's born any day now!)
1 x ... &rh=&page= (for my cousin's baby)
2 x Each Peach Pear Plum
and a variety of story books like Snow White, Cinderella as their books are 3 for the price of 2.
Been working all morning, but finishing at 4 oclock to go to hospital for swabs! yucky yucky!!

Hope the midwife doesn't think anything about my overgrown ladygarden!!

it's not my fault I can't see any further than my belly button!!

Leckershell- jordan was still wearing size 6 shorts right to the end, they just only covered her hips and punani and didn't go up as far as her bump :lol:

You could wear a crop top, show that impressive bump with pride :)

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