To those with more than 1 LO....and maybe a dog or 2....

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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This morning Merv (one of my lovely cockers) jumped on the bed to greet me and landed on my belly :( Both dogs are only fairly small and nimble but he does weigh 12kg ish. He's the sweetest thing but he gets so excited in the morning. Moog (the bitch) just says 'Good Morning!' from the side of the bed then curls up at the bottom like a cat. Merv has to say 'OMG YOU'RE STILL ALIVE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I THOUGHT YOU'D LEFT US FOREVER! I LOVE YOU!' get the picture.....:doh:

After he'd jumped on (and straight off of) me Sid was jumping around all over. He might have been asleep and got a rude awakening. I laid still and calm for about 30mins and played in bed with Heebs. I'm pretty sure he's fine but then you start placenta is on the front, I hope he's not damaged it etc.....

While laying there I was thinking how much more I'm doing this time up to the last 2 times. Obviously with your first you dont have any other LOs to pick up and run around after. With my second my 1st was 14 so it was like my 1st all over again. But THIS time! Hebe weighs the best part of 2 stone and doesnt stand let alone walk. I make her crawl everywhere in the house but I have to carry her to the car and lift her everywhere. When I'm at work people wont let me open my own friggin' post in case it's too heavy and I think what's the friggin' point I'm lugging ten tonne Tessa about at home! Hubby gets her in and out of the bath when he's here but I have to put her in her high chair etc.

So I cant see how the dog landing me is any different to Hebe climbing on my like I'm some sort of soft play area.......
lmao with katie, i remember not even wanting to carry my own laptop bag "just incase" :rofl: people at work were always like, omg you cant be lifting this and that cos tis too heavy. my answer...i've got a 22lb baby at home that i have to carry everywehere, this is nothing!!

tbh i wouldnt worry about the doggies, cos like you said you've got to lug hebe around all the time! i spend most my days having to go and pick katie up and move her cos she's doing something she shouldnt be - normally trying to pull the dogs blanket from under him whilst he's asleep or throwin her toys at him to get him to play :lol:

the upside to it...i've got toned arms, no more back fat (well not as much) and trimmer leggies and bum! and i got into a pair of size 12 jeans the other day, obv they didnt do up, but i was in a 16 before i got pregnant :D
I don't have a dog or two but reading that reminded me of the number of times Sam jumped on my belly (my placenta was on the front too) and it made me worry. And carrying Sam around everywhere (he could walk but he got so clingy in the last couple of months so I ended up carrying him so much more than I usually would. None of this taking it easy that everyone insists that you do with your first :lol:
:hug: i'm sure sid is doing fine honey, just be aware of his movements and if at all worried phone your mw, but i think she's snug as a bug in there :) it must be hard with having a LO and and another pregnancy, i do wonder how i'd cope! think your doing fab hon x
:hug: Don't worry hun xx

I hadn't dogs jumping on me when I was having Katie but I had a 'Joe' :lol:...He never walked until 21 months so just 2 months before Katie was born. I went early with them all but I broke my record by 1 day with Katie and I literally never stopped :)
my staffie (who now lives at my mums) is very excitable like your Merv and when he sees you hes like 'OH MY GOD,WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU' like hes about to pee himself hes so excited LOL... he bounced on me lots of times with both pregnancies and i was fine. although rhys was a little older (17mo between them) i still carried him a lot etc right the way through my pregnancy.

just take it easy hunny xxx
lmao, my dog used to always do the weeing thing cos he got so excited! was so embarassing when people int he street used to stop and stroke him and got wet feet :oops:
Pepsi, our dog when we were kids got so giddy when you got home you had to open the door and call her out to say hello so she didnt pee all over the hall! :lol:
My staffy pee's all over too when she is excited but she is old and poorly. She still manages to dive all over me on a morning tho. She once jumped on my bump when i was pregnant with jacob and he was fine, i just made sure he was moving well for the next 24 hours.

People always go mad at me for lifting things and don't consider the 20lb baby i lug all over the place all day every day. I must admit my back is shot to shit atm, i'm in agony! xx

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