Sleeping more than usual?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Ella will usually wake at 7am, have a 1 hr nap 8-9am, 1-2 hr nap at noon then 1/2 - 1 hr nap 4ish before bed at 7pm.

The last few days shes been really tired in the day time and wanting to sleep more. Still fights it unless i put her in her cot but once she's in there, shes asleep in minutes. Today shes napped as usual from 8-9 then shes been rubbing her eyes and getting grumpy again from 9.45 so put her down again at 10.30 and she went straight to sleep. Is this normal... a growth spurt or something or should i be worried?

She seems ok in every other way apart from the extra sleepiness?!
hey there
Owen used to change his sleeping habits sometimes and often needed a lot. Probably a growth spurt and maybe she needs a longer first nap. Sometimes Owen would sleep 2 hours in am then 2 hours in pm then another day just have 2 45 min naps. He also slept loads when teething, does it seem like there's a few teeth on the way?
My LO was like this at 6months and it was just a growth spurt! Nothing 2 worry about hun xxx
Thanks Ladies :lol:
I can't feel/see anything teeth wise so don't think it's that... unless she can feel something I can't!
She's only been up again 1hr and 15 mins and now she's yawning and grumbling again argh!
I don't know how to extend her naps, sometimes she'll sleep for 2 hrs sometimes 30 mins and I don't do anything different?!
Devon is having lots of really frequent naps at mo, as he is grumbly and teathing again, I was going to say that could be your prob until you said prob not. He normally only has 3 x 30 mins sleeps ish in the day, which is rubbish

Ours changes all the time, so don't worry, more mum time for you to catch up too!
Oscar is still like this sometimes, wakes up tired but won't go back to sleep again. He's like that this afternoon. Normally he'd have at least one 2 hour nap and one 1 hour nap during the day, but today he's had much less and has been rubbing his eyes since he woke this afternoon and he's in a right grump lol

I think the hot weather is a bit too blame with the overtiredness too.

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