To new breastfeeding mums..


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I just wanted to offer some encouragement to new breastfeeding mums. I never thought I would get past the first week because I simply hated being stuck on my backside on the sofa/bed day and night, along with the constant exhaustion and finding a spare moment to eat/shower inbetween!! Initially I had days where nipples popped out of his mouth in different shapes, and I cried and sobbed constantly about how I was going to quit and just give him the darn formula milk. I even started topping him up with SMA out of desperation, (but I still gave him boob now and then as guilt often overcame me!)

Well I'm still breastfeeding and happy to say that he and I are loving our breastfeeding sessions. I am so much more relaxed and even though I still get the odd twinge/leak/howl in pain, just seeing how he grabs my boob with both his hands and stares up into my face makes me realise how worth it he is. The formula top ups even became less and less instead of the other way aroun, as I became more confident and Connor became less random with feeds. Either way, even if I had given up breastfeeding ages ago, I would have thought it was just one of those things that didn't work out for us, but I do feel proud of myself that I stuck through it because I love it now, even if it feels sometimes like your not getting anywhere, sometimes perservering pays off in the end. (Even when I had to lift him from his pram an pop my boob out in the middle of a clothes shop and walk around whilst feeding him lol..) :cheer:
I feel exactly the same hun, its a massive achievement for me! Well done hun, uve done a brill job :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I'm so pleased for you Pregnopaws. Well done to you and Connor!

Valentine Xxx
It is so hard to start with but well worth the effort in the end. I am so glad I persevered.

Well done to us all :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well done, I remember those first few weeks being very hard going at times and I was exhausted but glad I kept going. Well done to you x
Congratulations pregopaws....I loved breastfeeding the first time round..and didn't realise how much I missed it until lil miss was born... I realised that I never had a single foto to remember my most treasured life experience.. this time was different...


Scuse the boobage but take pictures so you can capture the moment forever...:) because you miss it so much when its gone despite it being such hard work and everyone contplates packing it in at some point.
completely agree with squiglet,I treasure mypics of mefeeding Seren

Good on you pregnopaws. It is so worth perservering with. I had a nightmare with Seren, it wasn't tll about 5 months we had it all sorted and I enjoyed it but don't regret staying with it. I thought the second time round it would be a doddle as I had experienced all the bad stuff, but again had a nightmare with very cracked nipples, Cally wouldn't latch on after I used nipple shields for a week but we have eventually weaned her off those, and now we both have thrush but I know it gets better and is worth the initial struggle. Cally went from 8lb 8oz to 9lb 7oz in a week and I felt so proud ofmy boobies.
well done. It proves that if you persevere you can do it. I too love it now but has been a few tears and blood.
The pic someone posted of their lo is gorgeous...i must take one too. :hug:

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