To induce, or not to induce?!?


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Jul 11, 2016
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Hi all,

Due to a number of ore-existing health issues my pregnancy is classed as high risk. Luckily, these issues don't appear to have affected my pregnancy at all so far (touch wood!). I went for a 36 week growth scan today and discussed labour plans with my consultant. He didn't express any concerns about the baby, but when I mentioned I had some anxieties about going over my due date, he offered me an induction on my due date. I have been reading about the pros and cons of induction and although I understand there's a higher risk of it leading to other interventions which I'd rather avoid if possible, at the moment I feel like the feeling of being in control (kind of!) of when my labour might start and easing my anxieties about going over outweigh the possible cons. Does anyone have any experience of induction or advice they'd like to share?

Thanks in advance :)
I had induction and it was awful. Had a pessary at 10 am sunday started terrible back labour. 10pm it fell out and I refused another as I was still having awful pain and pethidine did not work only made me sick. Had this from Sunday morning till Monday night at midnight. They then took me to labour ward burst my waters. This started labour I was walking around but within 40 mins I was back in my room asking for epidural. I hate needles and was totally against having one but I needed it! Anyway had that at 3am babys heart rate was up and down they thought I had an infection as I wasn't weeing but turned out it was babys head blocking g it which they didn't know till they got her out. So finally after alot of talking they got worried about baby and I wasn't progressing so at 8pm tues I had a c section. In fact everyone on my ward who had induction had a c section.
Sorry its not a nice story.
I'm sorry you had such a negative experience Blueclass :(
How many weeks were you when you were induced? I hope you and baby are doing well now xx
I was induced at 37+5. I was offered induction after having 4 episodes of reduced movement, they said it was totally up to me as they couldn't find signs of anything wrong so they were also happy not to induce if that's what I wanted. I was extremely anxious throughout the pregnancy and also had a fear of going overdue or something going wrong. Once they'd offered it to me I couldn't not accept though as I felt if I declined induction and then something went wrong I'd never be able to live with that decision.

I think really though, my lo was born too early, he wasn't ready to be born and I probably should have left it longer. The induction itself wasn't too bad although I had terrible back pain and the contractions were back to back from the off - this was without the drip, I got to fully dilated without needing the drip at all. My lo was born by assisted delivery as he was back to back and stuck - again probably a sign he wasn't ready as he wasn't in the right position to birth. It's a very personal decision though so you've got to go with what you think is right xx
I had an induction at 40+2 Simmy. After a very easy pregnancy then I was a PROM ( waters broke but no labour).
Was booked for an induction 48 hours later.
The whole experience was fine, I did have an epidural when they started the drip which was amazing and it felt calm and controlled. The whole labour took about 12 hours.
It's very much more medicalised than a "natural" birth. You are on a CTG the whole time, I had a midwife with me the whole time.

During the second stage my little ones heart beat dropped and they called in the docs who extracted her with a ventouse ( you are right that intervention rates are higher!).

I was very keen on having a "natural" birth and a little while after I felt sad and angry that things hadn't worked out the way I'd ideally planned. I'm fine about it now, it was not traumatic in any sense and my baby was delivered safe and sound but I had some fantasy about giving birth in a water bath by candle light etc etc.

It's a tough one, my experience was fine but I wish I could have gone in to labour naturally.
There's no right or wrong decision. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks everyone. After a few days to think I am now leaning towards not being induced. I think starting my maternity leave has given me too much time to focus on my anxieties about the baby and want her out as soon as possible, and I just need to try and manage those worries instead of jumping into big decisions!

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