To have an enema or not?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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Getting closer to my due date, I've thought about whether I want to ask for an enema when I get to the labour ward or not. I've heard it can give a boost to your labour and make it quicker, but the women in my family are known to have quick labours, so I'm not sure what to do.

Have any of you given it any thoughts? Is it normal to get in the UK? Any experiences? I was informed about this at my antenantal class.
They don't do them here in the uk anymore it's not been done since the 70s and has been proven to create infection etc xxx

Okay, thanks for replying! I just think I will see how things develop and see later on! Here in Norway some people think it creates infections and some think they may prevent infections, but I think little research has been done on the topic (or too little research at least).
As Vicki said they don't do them anymore in the UK. When my Mum had all of us, they used to do them when they induced a woman. She said it was just thoroughly unpleasant as you're having contractions and then have to waddle to the toilet etc. So I think if you can maybe just wait and see how you feel when labour starts. As you said your family have quick labours and it might be something that during labour you actually wouldn't want or maybe want more - if that makes sense?
I think it all depends on the country etc like you say Norway still do them it's the same a shaving down below the midwives use to do it when they arrived as most births were at home and that also caused infection as well lol enemas were also seen degrading an embarrass the mother as well xxx

I'll be offered one as I'm on iron 3xday and seriously bunged up, although they are not offered as routine x
I think I will pass on that..often the begging of labour comes with some diarrhea anyway but I suppose when the time comes you will know what to do and also the midwifes they will advice you the best for must be so stressing though. Fx for you everything will go smooth and fast :hug:
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I've heard your body often has a natural 'clear out' just before labour as well. And if I happen to poop myself pushing out LO then I'm sure I'll be in so much pain I won't care!!! lol
I've heard your body often has a natural 'clear out' just before labour as well. And if I happen to poop myself pushing out LO then I'm sure I'll be in so much pain I won't care!!! lol

Yes, I've heard this as well. Anyway, I don't think they tell you to take it here - but you can decide if you want it or not when you arrive. I really don't want it, but if they advice me to take it, than I might! Will see when I'm there!

Thanks for the replies ladies! :)
At our antenatal session, the MW said that they are there to look after all areas down below, bladder and rectum are just as important. She said when they are doing an internal they can feel if the bowel is full, and if that was the case they might offer you the chance to empty it before the birth (presume with enema?) . She said it's the one thing most women worry about and yet it doesn't bother them (MW's), and usually you wouldn't even know as they discreetly whip it away.
So maybe they can offer them if you haven't had a natural clear out but it's not a routine thing like it used to be?

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