To everyone who contributed to Andreaaa


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Thought you'd all like to know I got a card and a receipt today from the Mid Staffordshire General Hospital SCBU.

I've scanned it here but it's really small. If anyone wants me to e-mail them the jpeg, please just PM me your e-mail address.

The card says...

"On behalf of SCBU I would like to say a big thank you to the members of for the most generous donation of £211.00 in memory of Casey Ian John Bradley.
The money will go towards a new saturation and heart monitor that has just been ordered.
Please convey our sincere thanks to all concerned.
Kind regards,
Sue Whitehouse (SCBU)"

I think it's so lovely that the memory of Casey will go on to help other babies in the future.

I have PM'd Andreaaa to let her know.

Thanks again everyone.

I'm glad we could help in some small way and it's nice to hear what they will be buying :hug:
Thanks for letting us know :) Glad its going to good use
That's great Lucy, and thanks again for organising all of this!

thank you for letting us know hun
Im really happy that it has helped them afford things :)
Brought a tear to my eye again thinking about it all.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats just made me cry, im so happy the money is being used too o great things.
i'm so pleased that the money has gone to something so special.
Thanks once again lucy xxx
Thats fantastic. Thank you for letting us know.

Aww that is lovely!! Thanks for letting us know!! :D
thats so lovely thanx for letting us kno xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Took me a while to be able to read and reply to this thread

Just wanted to send big special thanks and :hug: to you all and a really big :hug: for you Lucy

that is wonderful.

i didnt contribute as i wasnt around at the time but i have one of those saturation monitors on loan for Ami and it allows me to sleep knowing that if anything happens to her it will let me know. they are a godsend.

what a great amount of money you collected :hug:

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