Thought you'd all like to know I got a card and a receipt today from the Mid Staffordshire General Hospital SCBU.
I've scanned it here but it's really small. If anyone wants me to e-mail them the jpeg, please just PM me your e-mail address.
The card says...
"On behalf of SCBU I would like to say a big thank you to the members of for the most generous donation of £211.00 in memory of Casey Ian John Bradley.
The money will go towards a new saturation and heart monitor that has just been ordered.
Please convey our sincere thanks to all concerned.
Kind regards,
Sue Whitehouse (SCBU)"
I think it's so lovely that the memory of Casey will go on to help other babies in the future.
I have PM'd Andreaaa to let her know.
Thanks again everyone.
I've scanned it here but it's really small. If anyone wants me to e-mail them the jpeg, please just PM me your e-mail address.
The card says...
"On behalf of SCBU I would like to say a big thank you to the members of for the most generous donation of £211.00 in memory of Casey Ian John Bradley.
The money will go towards a new saturation and heart monitor that has just been ordered.
Please convey our sincere thanks to all concerned.
Kind regards,
Sue Whitehouse (SCBU)"
I think it's so lovely that the memory of Casey will go on to help other babies in the future.
I have PM'd Andreaaa to let her know.
Thanks again everyone.