To coil or not to coil?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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I'm on the pill at the moment, but REALLY don't trust it as I got pregnant with Mhairi whilst on it!

I'm on cilest, and I've been having heavy periods and a bit of breakthrough it's not ideal!

I'm due my pill free break this week, starting tomorrow. I'm due at the doctors tomorrow morning, and I was wondering about the coil (DO NOT POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION OF LECKERSHELLS POST! :talkhand: been there, read it!).

Things is, I've only ever been on the pill or the depo (I had two depo jags and it was hell, bleed for 6 months and ended up on Anti-d's because it made me soooooooo down). So will I be more suseptible to bleeding problems with the coil?

Also, will this week be too short notice to get the coil fitted? I'm off work for two weeks so it would be ideal to get it fitted now.

Would you girls also recommend the hormone one or the non-hormone one?

I'm still :think: about the whole thing. It would be wonderful to not have to take a pill every day, and also not worry (like this month :oops: ) about getting pregnant, even though I'm really good at taking the pill!!!!!
I,ve never had one but a couple of my friends have.

I know one of them had to get it fitted while she had her period :puke: but I don't know if it depends which type you get.

My other friend has never had any bleeding at all and she's had hers in for about a year and a half now.
I had a mirena hormone one for 3 and half years. I had it fitted when I wasn't on my period (they like you to be as it makes insertion easier) and I was in agony afterwards, I almost passed out and felt like I was in labour again! I had horrendous cramps for a few days (enough to be sent home from work), and spotting for a few weeks, then no period for 3 years! :dance:
The side affects were weight gain, spots and complete loss of sex drive, but it doesn't affect everyone this way. It was fab having no periods and not having to worry about contraception. Having it removed was no problem.
After it was removed I fell pg with Logan 3 months afterwards.

I had a non-hormone one fitted a couple weeks ago whilst on my period. The fitting was fine, hardly anY cramps and although I felt a bit uncomfortable for a few hours after it was no worse than usual period pains.
Ive heard this one can make periods heavier and more painful but I haven't had one yet so don't know how it will affect me.

Whether you get on with a coil is just a case of trial and error unfortunately as people react differently to them.
I have the coil, had no problems with it so far, except for unpredictable bleeding :|

I had to have swabs taken to check for infections 2 weeks prior to having it fitted, so I imagine it will take longer to fit with those found to have thrush or whatever as that has to be treated first.
LaineyG said:
I'm on the pill at the moment, but REALLY don't trust it as I got pregnant with Mhairi whilst on it!

I'm on cilest, and I've been having heavy periods and a bit of breakthrough it's not ideal!

I'm due my pill free break this week, starting tomorrow. I'm due at the doctors tomorrow morning, and I was wondering about the coil (DO NOT POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION OF LECKERSHELLS POST! :talkhand: been there, read it!).

Things is, I've only ever been on the pill or the depo (I had two depo jags and it was hell, bleed for 6 months and ended up on Anti-d's because it made me soooooooo down). So will I be more suseptible to bleeding problems with the coil?

Also, will this week be too short notice to get the coil fitted? I'm off work for two weeks so it would be ideal to get it fitted now.

Would you girls also recommend the hormone one or the non-hormone one?

I'm still :think: about the whole thing. It would be wonderful to not have to take a pill every day, and also not worry (like this month :oops: ) about getting pregnant, even though I'm really good at taking the pill!!!!!

thanks for posting this, as im in a simuler situation.

I was ment to be getting the hormoanal coil fitted today (or so i thought) and basicly i was told i have to come back when im bleeding - its been booked for flippin' weeks and now they tell me. Right now we are using condoms. Im sick of them - and hate the fact they arnt that safe. Ive been caught out before lol - im being as carfull as ever - which tbh, isnt exactly sexy.
Sex now to me isnt fun. But a worry. :(

The woman i was speaking to today about getting it fit, was more or less trying tio put me off the idea. - i thought i was ready but now im having doubts.

Like you i dont want to go on the pill, as i got pregnant on it.

I know for a fact i dont want anymore for a very long time so the coil sounded perfect. The nurse went on about how they are going to fit it (claming the cervix ect!!!) and i almost fainted while she was explaining it. - AND IVE HAD 2 KIDS!

I did remember leckershells post from a ewhile ago - right now i dont want to be reminded! lol

Can anyone else tell me if theres a link with depression, low sex drive, irratic bleeding etc with the hormoanal coil??? - cos those things (particuly the first 2) is somthing i really dont want to happen.

Could anyone suggest anything else? i might be better suited to?

sorry - not hyjacking your thread hunnie lololol - im sure these are questions you may have too!!!
No comment.. I thinkevery one read that post of mine... doh :doh:

I hope you find an answer that suits you xx
Red_Fairy - you can hijack my posts anytime you like! :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I went to my doc, and said I'd had enough of the pill, but that I was worried about the coil making me fat and giving me bleeding problems and or depression.

She said "No no no!!! Stop! It's nothing like the depo!".

She thinks it would be perfect for me, and apparently the weight issue is really only an issue for people who have had a weight problem in the it could be perfect for me!

I decided to change my pill though, so I'm on my "last chance saloon" pill, Femodene, which is an old pill, and a bit stronger, so should help with the bleeding and the fear of getting pregnant!!!

Also, I sort of made the decision about the coil very quickly, and didn't discuss it with new OH, which I sort of decided I should do :oops: .....just didn't feel right not talking to him about it.

So I'm giving this pill 3 months, and then I'll decide!

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