To buy or not to buy...

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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... that is the question! :?

I've seen a cot I like online, it's a Mammas & Papas one, beech in colour which will go with the furnature we already have in the spare room which will become the baby's furnature :D

Yesterday I was looking on the Argos website and the same cot is on offer, £40 off!

I don't know if I should order it or not :? The reason's being that i'm only 19 weeks, haven't bought a thing yet as I think it's still early days and I don't want to tempt fate and also I haven't seen the cot 'in real life' but £40 is a lot of money when you think of everything you need to buy for a baby!

What would you lot do?
erm... im not the best person to ask, cos we have EVERYTHING :rotfl:
all we need is nappies :lol: :lol: :lol:
hehe we have the nappies too and im only 14 weeks, i would say go for it
Kimbo said:
erm... im not the best person to ask, cos we have EVERYTHING :rotfl:
all we need is nappies :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG Kim.... how organised are you! :D

My hubby says just order it but I don't know what to do!!! :?
I'd say go for it!... I feel the same way about tempting fate, but there was a bid going on ebay for a travel system for under 100€ (109€ including shipping) and even though my mum tells me its tempting fate and I was worried, we went for it as it was on offer... :D
Hey, your like me worry, worry, worry! :hug:

Mamas and papas stores do refunds that if anything bad happens will refund. I don't know if it counts as it comes from Argos.

I've brought nearly everything. Go on get it :)
go for it , and show me the link lol i want a beach or maple cot !
annaespana1 said:
Being looking at nursery furniture on net and in local shops and stuff and checked out Ikea website (there's one opening in Malaga on 30th of october :cheer: )
There is a blue range of stuff called Mammut
check it out and tell me what you all think ... ies/11779/

Lol...we are going for this one... ... ies/11937/ We are having a mommin theme and it will be blue and if we have more kids, white works for both sexes.

They do a cot/bed too... My DH is putting off going though because I drive him mad getting him to pronounce all the names in proper swedish... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
That furniture looks lovely Squiglet :)
We were thinking white but with the blue stuff we don't need to paint the walls! :lol:
i'd buy it - we ordered our nursery set from mamas and papas - you can pick delivery dates for whenever you want, ours is coming end of october... i wanted the nursery finishing by november (we have a history of early babies in my family and didnt want to be decorating over xmas)

We have got most of our stuff now just a few bits and bobs left.... the spare room looks like an outlet mall.. and we might be moving!!

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