To all the non-breastfeeders...


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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0 long does it take for the boobies to stop producing milk? Mine are huge and so painful, they keep leaking after a shower too! They are too big for my F-cup bra...make it stop :cry:

I stopped BFing at around week 3. I managed the engorgement by expressing small amounts of milk (reducing the length of time expressed daily). It took around 5-7 days for the milk supply to stop.
Get yourself some cabbage leafs love!

Put the whole cabbage in the fridge for a bit, then stick one leaf in each cup of your bra.

It helps draw the milk and reduce the lumps.

Be warned! You have to put them in and LEAVE THEM IN for 24 hours. I kept taking them out, but it was only when I kept them in for 24 hours that I started to see a difference!

YOU WILL STINK! And if you are anything like me you will never eat cabbage again! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mine still leaked a bit when I fed her up til about 6weeks..But they stopped feeling hot and swollen after just a couple of weeks so hopefully not much longer now.

Are you taking paracetamol? I found it took the heat away and made them almost bearable.

The swelling and heat went away after about 1 week but Ive only just stopped leaking.

Hope this helps

P.S Go with the cabbage idea :D
I didn't BF and I had really painful hot boobs for about 4 days. I did the cabbge leaf thing and it worked a treat!! Try it x
I never produced any milk at all. :( I wanted to give BF a try but nothing.

Sorry that doesn't help. I have heard of people producing milk and being in a bit of pain for several weeks. xxx
i can still squeeze a tiiiiiny amount out.
i shouldnt be squeezing i know... its just tempting to see if theres any left! lol :doh:

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