Tiredness & work!

Small Flower

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hi all, my first post on this forum! So hello! :wave:

Just wonder how you guys cope with work and extreme tiredness. No-one at work knows as I haven't had a dating scan yet. Tomorrow, I've got to go to an exhibition and the thought of getting up extra early, walking for miles and coming home late is filling me with dread!

I woke up at 1pm today and still felt tired! I'm now resting back in bed!

The other thing I find hard is feeling sick and queasy at work, I have to really really fight it at times.

Anyone got any tips?
Hey! Congratulations and a very warm welcome to the forum!! :cheer:

Ah it's horrible, I know exactly how you feel. It's almost like we're walking zombies.

Some girls have given some great tips (check out my thread "OMG Sleep...") in this section (First Tri). They might be useful! They helped me a few nights last week.

Hope you get some sleep soon :sleep: I really feel for you!

Looking forward to getting to know you :) xx
Havent really got any tops as my sickness was so bad nothing would stop it but i want to give you these none the less :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: :wave: Hello!
I spent first tri in a zombie like state. I'm a primary French teacher and I had to tell the teachers of the classes I have in the afternoon before I was announcing because my lessons were awful! I couldn't always put sentences together and often got mixed up :roll: I trained the pupils to look out for my mistakes though :D
I was still a zombie in 2nd tri but at least people knew.
I would sometimes take a taxi home from work because I couldn't contemplate standing in a bus queue. I certainly haven't walked to or home from work while pregnant.
If you don't want to tell people, you could always make up some sort of illness that you are struggling to get over :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope you feel better soon! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys,

I have a look at your tips dannii87. I don't really want to make something up as I don't like lying. I think I may have to use some of my holiday up - even tho I only get 17 days per year (my company is very stingy).
I'd maybe speak to your manager/HR/someone in charge-ish and tell them. I had to let people know early because i was so tired and sick it just took it out of me.
Failing that maybe see your doc and get a few dyas off sick, the doctor shouldn't mind just writing 'sickness' or something on the note.

Have a lot of hugs too, it's tough sometimes xxxxxxx
:hug: :hug:
Hello Small Flower :wave:
Congratulations :cheer: :hug:
I'm going through extreme tiredness and nausea at the minute myself, so cannot help as am trying everything but nothing's working :? I really hope it passes for you soon, do you know how far along you are?

Very best wishes :hug:
welcome flower! i sometimes only do 4 hour shifts at work, i work in superdrug lol and stand behind the till, and i get home about 2 and sleep untill about 5. lol im hoping it wont last much longer, as im not having much of a social life at the moment! haha 8)
Welcome to the forum hun :wave:

I am gradually starting to feel less sick throughout the day now - it's still bad on a morning though.

I am soooo tired though and am really finding work hard.

I have now got a new line manager and I told her today that I was PG - she was great but then said "that will explain why you have been looking so pale and tired lately" that made me feel really good!! :wink:

Hi welcome and congratulations :D

I ended up telling my manager at about 6 weeks and the HR dept at about 8 weeks due to feeling bad! Also I've taken 5 days off last month due to exhaustion and sickness (hoping that I don't have to take any more time off now).

I think it has really helped that a few people know now. I have also found that eating about every two hours keeps the sickness away for me - of course it does mean that the weight is going to go on at an alarming rate :shock: :oops: :D

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