

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I went up this morning, tidy the kitchen, dyed my hair, face mask, put on my new clothes to do town, looked fab! my only day of this week and i really need to do some shopping plus im poss buying a bouncy chair. Normally i would be home allready from the excitment of buying something for the little one but..
now im sitting here with my shoes on and cant get the energy to walk in to town..

just sooo tired lately.. :wall2:
It's rubbish aint it? It gets better :-) It's about where you are now that the placenta takes over looking after baby so you should start to feel less drained soon! I had loads of energy by about 18 weeks, still do but manouvering myself about seems to be getting difficult! Haha!
Hope you get some energy soon! Xx
cant wait.. i read that running to the toilet all the time should slow down now.. I WAS UP 6 TIMES last night, more then ever!
I think i really need to get my ass up now n get moving before i fall asleep!
I hope that chair is still in the shop on sale..
Hehe! I must admit, i've not really seen much of an increase in my toilet use! I do have to get up a lot earlier than normal to go but luckily so far *touches wood* i've not been up in the middle of the night too much!
Hope the chair is in stock also :-) Ring them up before you go, will save you a trip out if you don't have to go? Or you could see if it's online? x
it wasnt on sale so i didnt bother, walked past argos and had a look.. and yeah, the same chair at the same price as it was when it was on sale in the other shop!!
But then i saw another one that was washeble for a fiver extra and liked it more.. but how much is accepteble to pay for one? i mean £40 feels abit much?
I'm really tired too x it's so hard getting up in morning to do the school run! x I don't know if we're getting a bouncy chair so dunno how much I'd be willing to pay for one x DD didnthave one so I'm more reluctant x sometimes I wander around baby shops and think 'seriously what is all this STUFF'?! x I'm a grumpy old woman before my time! He he
im tired at night but not to bad during the day now although im up at least 3 times a night for the loo i drop straight back off tho so not to bad
as for bouncy chair il be spending about 40-50 on one my dd loved hers so much i want one that has adjustable seat bits so they can sit up and be layed flat im spending more becuase of the cats i dont want want a flimsier one incase they knock it
My mate gave us her old one - hardly used as her LO despised it! She paid £50 for hers :-) x

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