Tips and advice for new mummies...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I thought maybe we could have a thread for new mummies? I hope thats ok? Maybe if we can pin aswell so new clueless Mummies can have a look at. I know when I had Hayden there were so many things I was clueless about!!!

OK heres mine :)

When pregnant remember to buy for the season you are having the baby not the current season.
If people ask you what you like request boots or mothercare vouchers, ok clothes are lovely but the bulk of buying is nappies, wipes, etc!

Do as much research on breastfeeding PRIOR to having baby I wish I had and maybe I wouldn't of been so clueless!

When changing boys open nappy and put under dirty nappy, point their tidly bits down and clean and then remove dirty nappy! Cuts changing time and saves you getting a face full of wee wee lol!

Don't bother buying bath stuff for baby except olive oil and baby shampoo If your baby has sensitive skin you won;'t be able to use it and you can't use anything in the first 6 weeks anyway so you can always buy stuff later.

Buy lots of bedding if baby is sick you will have to change it straight away.

Don't bother buying newborn clothes buy 0-3 ok so it will be small to start but baby will grow into it rather then buying teeny stuff which they only wear once.

Thats all for now :)
ooh this is a really good idea, i agreee it should be stickied! i would find it sooo useful!
Here's mine.

1. Buy bare essentials when it comes to clothes - you will get millions!!! of newborn and 0-3 months stuff as presents when bubs is born. Even your great aunts friend Mildreds dog will get you something! Trust me!

2. Look into co-sleeping when b/feeding! sanity saver!!

3. Take a sponge with you in your labour bag - a nice soft one. It's great for giving those stitches(if you get any) a clean in comfort.

4. You can never have too many bibs.

5. Make the most of your tiny baby - they grow up too fast :wink:

Kim x x x x
Get a sling and learn how to use it before your LO is born (an old doll or teddy will surely be a willing helper - I know it's a bit hard to do it when you are pregnant but so worthwhile!). If your baby cries a lot as a newborn a sling can be a lifesafer. My LO used to literally live in it for the first few weeks (she was also BF:ed in it).

Go for those slings which allow babies to lie on their side.

Be prepared that newborn babies cry - some less, some more :)
If you have too many clothes of one size, dont be shy to exchange them for bigger sizes. Most igh street stores exchange even if you dont have reciepts.

That's it for now i'm sure i'll post loads as i remember more. xxx
* try to grab a few winks whilst baby is sleeping....sleep is invaluable especially straight after having baby as your body needs time to heal itself and what better way than to sleep :lol:

* learn how to put the car seat in the car before baby is born to save on fiddling about in the hospital car park/on your first car ride after the birth

* learn how to put up and collapse the buggy before baby is born :)

im sure i'll add more as i remember them.
Nice thread, thank you! :)

I have to admit though I spent New Years Eve carrying my Christopher Doll in the baby carrier (it has upright and sling positions) and practicising with the pushchair. Need to practice with the terry square nappies next :D :D
I found muslin squares for my breastfed baby lifesavers! They also helped her snuggle as well as clearing up any sick.
You should only need to buy vests and sleepsuits as people tend to buy cute outfits instead of more practical stuff! Angel lived in only sleepsuits for the first 6 weeks of her life! They were just simple when changing a bum 10 times a day!

My baby bath was £2.50 from Asda!!! Perfect considering she was only in it about 10 weeks!!!

Not sure of anymore right now. But i echo the others with reading up on co-sleeping and definately breastfeeding!
Blankets are the best, make sure youve got a few mine are used from everything to changing her on, keeping her warm, making the bouncer a bit more comfy, covering me up when im bfing, theyre great !

The same as has been suggested with slings, if your intending to use cloth nappies ! Remember they need prewashing a few times before using and prefolds are harder to get the hang of so make sure you practice before its 4am and your trying to put them on the wrong way round :)

Try to research things you can do once babies here before they get here, local mum n baby groups, tots cinema showings etc

Be prepared for breastfeeding to be hard work, it comes naturally to very few people but is so worth it, so the way i see it think its going to be bloody hard work and sleepless nights sore nipples and constant feeds and then youll be pleasantly suprised :)
Great idea having a thread like this sharne!

My tips would start with the hospital bag.. pack very big knickers just incase you end up having a c-section and also ask the hospital for a birthing ball as it May HELP.

Buy lots of muslin squares as you will use loads if you have a sicky baby. When you put baby in the moses basket or cot put a folded muslin square under the head so you dont have to re-wash the whole bedding each time.

I would say do buy a couple of newborn bits as most people buy 0-3 and we didnt have anything for Ollie to wear. Saying that dont go mad as they wont be in them for long.

I agree with Sharne about the breastfeeding and reading about it first. If things dont go to plan get some advice from on here. I wish i had used breast shaped teats so Ollie didnt get nipple confusion and i wish i had introduced a dummy in hospital (not always recommended though).

and my main tip is to be prepared to feel totally overwhelmed by it all and remember that babies do somtimes just cry even if they have been fed and nappy changed.. stay calm and just comfort them.. :hug:

Im sure i have lots more... :think:

Claire x
1- Muslin squares, muslin squares, muslin squares....seriously get loads!
2- Have LOADS of skin to skin contact...whether booby feeding or not...such a fab way of bonding!
3- Sleep when they sleep! Will save your sanity!
4- Just buy the basics outfit wise..loads of vest and babygrows, they dont need fiddly trendy outfits just yet..they vomit/wee/poo on them anyways and these are easier to change them out of!
I agree with Nori in that it is worth having some newborn baby clothes (up to 9/10lbs) because if you do have a baby around 7/8lbs then they will be swamped by the 0-3 size. In general though don't buy lots because as soon as baby is born people will buy you loads!

Don't expect any 2 days to be the same in the first few weeks. If you have a bad day of fussing/crying try not to stress as tomorrow is a whole new day!

As others have said, if you have any ideas of breastfeeding/co-sleeping/baby wearing etc. make sure you research it before hand so you have an idea of what to expect.
my advice would be to forget this image of this perfect baby who will sleep through at such an age, feed every 4 hours etc. These unrealistic expectations cause more harm then good with breastfeeding, etc. Instead think that for the first few months you are going to have a baby who will need mummy 24/7 and that any break you get is a bonus. Get a good support system too, before you have baby find out where all the mummy and baby groups are, breastfeeding cafes etc

I would also get a good sling to allow you to have baby with you and still get things done.
I love this thread - thank you sooooo much mums!! this has been a great help x
Get some tape - in case you end up having a c-section you can stick a maternity pad on the scar with it, which cushions it and stops it from seeping onto your knickers. Go for really big granny knickers, everything else will cut in and is really uncomfy.
Steelgoddess said:
Don't bother buying newborn clothes buy 0-3 ok so it will be small to start but baby will grow into it rather then buying teeny stuff which they only wear once.

you mean big surely? lol
buy a rubber ring - you won't want to sit on anything else after the birth if you've had an episiotomy or a tear!
this thread is so usefull thankyou all :)
ohh and i have a question are you allowed to take cream or oil in hospital with u to help to prevent ripping ouch it hurts thinking bout it if so which would u recomend ? thanks x
Xena said:
Steelgoddess said:
Don't bother buying newborn clothes buy 0-3 ok so it will be small to start but baby will grow into it rather then buying teeny stuff which they only wear once.

you mean big surely? lol
:wall: Doh! Can't get the staff these days lol!!

Oh another one kinda in conjunction with what Beanie said is don't concentrate on what baby books say too much read them by all means but remember all babies are different and eventually if you want them to they will fall into a routine but it doesn't have to be too military.

I also wouldn't bother buying a pram until after, just get a sling and a car seat it will make things alot easier
larisa said:
this thread is so usefull thankyou all :)
ohh and i have a question are you allowed to take cream or oil in hospital with u to help to prevent ripping ouch it hurts thinking bout it if so which would u recomend ? thanks x

Do you mean for during the birth or before? They probably wouldn't let you use anything once your waters have broken because of the risk of infection.

My must haves were muslins, lots of. Oh and clothes - sleepsuits, sleeveless and long sleeved bodysuits. I ended up with about 454723 outfits and short sleeved bodysuits of which I hardly used any. When the weather was warmer she was in just a sleeping bag and long sleeved bodysuit. Colder, sleeveless bodysuit (vest) and sleepsuit. Sleepsuits all the way!

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