Tiny Sue is back.

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi folks - I'm back...long time no see.
Well, long story short, I've been diagnosed with secondary infertility and referred - finally. I started taking Tamoxifen three months ago now, still no BFP but am sure we're nailing it! :lol:

It's been a long journey so far, we've now been trying for 18 months for number 2 baby, it's hard to believe. I'll be on Tamox for another 3 months, and hopefully I'll have fallen by then.

Just wondered does anyone else know anything about Tamox? I've found conflicting info on the web about Tamox increasing chances of pregnancy by 35% but not to get pregnant while on Tamox - whether this applies to breast cancer patients or not I don't know.

Anyway - in the middle of this months 2ww, symptom spotting like mad (excess saliva, metallic taste in mouth, nausea, 11dpo.)

Send me some baby dust all you folks....

:wave: :wave: welcome, good luck this month and i hope your not here for too long and here is some baby dust lol
Sorry Hun I've got no advise on Tamox but nice to see you back, sending you lots of baby dust :hug:
On my google travels I actually read about a man being on tamoxifen for fertility problems! I don't know your answer but wish you luck :hug: :hug: :wave:
:wave: hi tiny sue welcome back i remember you :cheer:

all the best hope you get your long awaited bfp very soon :hug:
:wave: Hi and welcome back, Good Luck ttc hope you get your bfp soon :hug: :hug:
Welcome back TinySue. Hope you are only here for a few days :pray:
Hi TinySue....hello....don't think I was here when you were here last.

As Ellie says I hope your stay is short and sweet. :pray:

Babydust for you.........

Hi tiny sue I remember you too!!

Very best of luck ttc no2 lets hope the tamoxifen does the trick!!!
Thanks very much girls :lol:

Great new look forum too! *looks around* Gosh this is nice.

Hope all of you guys have plenty of baby dust left for yourselves too...

:wave: Hi & good luck. You can defo hve some of my Babydust..... :pray: you get your BFP x
Hi Tiny Sue

We were in 1st tri together, i think our due dates were very close. Mine was 28th JAn with Jess

You can share my baby dust :hug: :hug:
Just wanted to wish you lots of luck, hope you get that BFP really soon.
Hi Jojo - Yes I remember you - back again eh?

Hi skairdy good God are you still here girl? :hug:

We're all in the same boat eh?

Yes i'm back. Not officially TTC yet. Only came off pill 2 weeks ago and going to wait untill next cycle so will be TTC september, im being very impatient and already charting to see how my cycles are :D

Good Luck :hug:
:wave: Hiya Tiny Sue, welcome back & gl this month - not long til testing now!!

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