Tiny amount of blood on wiping?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi I am 26 + 2 days pregnant and all day yesterday I had a dull ache in my pelvic area which was a bit annoying but nothing more and then yesterday afternoon when I went to the toilet I wiped and there were a couple of specs of blood on the toilet tissue. The same thing has happened a few times since but it is such a tiny tiny amount I don't want to go to the doctor as he will probably think I am over reacting. Has anybody else had this? I have also posted this in the second trimester as I am sort of in between.
It can be pretty normal from what I have picked up on from the girls but if you are worried then see your doctor or let your midwife know so you can put your mind at rest :hug:
Gemz it happened to me last week! I posted in the 2nd tri too! I was still feeling movement so I took it easy and there was nothing else ever since. I also had it at 18 weeks, a tiny amount but spent the day in hospital, had a scan and an examination and all was ok. The midwife told me that such a tiny amonunt is nothing to worry about and is really common but I would give your MW a quick ring for reassurance. Let us know how you get on. :hug:
hi there,

Yep as other girls have said if you're worried just ring your midwife and explain to her. When I had a few spots of blood and pain i told my doc and he said you should contact them with any bleeding no matter how little it is - just so they can check you out. I got checked and everything was fine and dandy.....xxxx
this happened 2 me wen i was preg wi chloe, n it was cos i had piles :oops: i never even knew wot they were wen the doc told me i felt so embarassed :oops: :doh:

The same thing happened to me hun, i did go to hospital just to get checked out and everything was fine. How do u feel? if u wanna ring the MW just to be sure then u do whatever u feel best for yourself hun. Try not to worry everything will be ok.

Gemz, I've not had any spotting (fingers crossed) since about wk 19 still as per everyone else's advise call your MW, there's no point in you sitting around stressing about what it could be just and make an appointment to see her you'll feel a heck of a lot better :)

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