Time to make No.2 :-)

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Hello All

Its 5 years since I last logged into this forum, so you won't know me.:)

My gorgeous 1st baby is now just over 5 years old! For a while now we have been trying for number 2, so thought it would be good to get to know lots of you here!

I was going to wait until I got my BFP, and then I remembered that you have a TTC section, so that is where I belong for now!

We have left it a while to try for number 2, because I suffered quite badly from the blues in the early days. I feel guilty saying this because I know that many of you have been trying for a while and would love to be in my position.

So here I am!

I just cannot wait to get to know you all, get my BFP, tell Samuel all about his new baby sister or brother and do it all again!

I'm not sure what my ticker is, so I might have to update that after I post this message! :lol:
Aww welcome back!! I'm a newbie to it all but I'm slowly learning!
I'm waiting for AF to arrive so then can start counting days etc but doing the BD every other nite just incase!! Lol

Hope the stalk arrives for you soon xxxx
Hiya and welcome back :)

You can say whatever you want, no need to feel guilty - we're quite a feisty bunch ;)

I really like the name Samuel - are you hoping for another boy or a girl this time around?
I have a girls name already, but actually I would love another boy, because I quite like being outnumbered by men, strangely.

I wouldn't know what to do with a girl! lol

On sunday mornings the three of us lay in bed and I like saying "Here I am with my boys!" I can't imagine saying anything else! :lol:
welcome hun join the gang we always have loads to chat about xxxx
Welcome back Hun!!


Did you get your BFP quick last time if u dnt mind me asking ?? X

Hi Loopy Louize

I got my BFP on the first hit last time, so it is wierd to have to spend time thinking about trying to conceive. We conceived Samuel on our honeymoon, so there wasn't any stress involved. I had also been off the pill for a year so my body was very ready. This time we stopped the pill and started trying straight away. We have been trying for about 6 months so far.

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